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[Friday-13] Star Trek

The elderly Spock spoke,
"Space: the final frontier. These are the continuing voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before."

Star Trek, the movie is AWESOME!!!

I'm neither a Star Trek nor a Star Wars fan. In fact, I thought Star Trek, the movie will feature the famous Darth Vader and those white Storm Troopers. LOL! So, at first, I was quite skeptical about watching this sci-fi movie because I'm not really into these techie-galaxy-spaceship-alien thingy. Upon watching, I must say that it changed my concept about sci-fi movies. I heard from friends that this movie is meant for beginners. So, even those who mix up Star Wars and Star Trek won't find it confusing. Yes, I totally agreed.

At least, now I know who's Spock, the cool, emotionless (unless provoked), logical half-human, half-Vulcan being. Also, the storyline is easy to follow and the characters, when they conversed, their conversation liners cracked all of us up easily! Some liners are more thought-provoking, such as this one: Put aside your logic and do what you feel is right.

As a non-Star Trek fan, I find this movie pretty engaging. A good choice to end a Friday.

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