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Our Beary Fishy

In March, I bought a huge Beary Fishy plushie from Dooodolls for David. Technically, it's a shared plushie. :P

We really like this plushie because it's a quirky brown bear with a blue fish hanging from one of its arms.

Dooodolls' products consist of plushies, keychains, car headrests, and many more adorable stuff. I'm so interested to get a mini Beary Fishy keychain but it was out of stock for a long time. I couldn't get it anywhere in Klang Valley.

So, I put it on
my wishlist.

Yesterday, I received a surprise package from Dooodolls.


Mini Beary Fishy is now happily attached to my WUQkie (car) key. ^_^

Thanks David for getting it for me from Dooodolls' online store! It's really a sweet surprise!

More about Beary Fishy keychain from the online store.

Now, we have a huge Beary Fishy plushie and a mini Beary Fishy keychain. Sweet. ;)

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