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We're Married (Part 1): A Thank You Note

A lovely note from Father Gerard Theraviam

Wishing you JESUS on your escapades through LIFE + LOVE

A lovely note from Uncle Pakiam and Aunty Angelique

Wishing you God's blessings
as you start your life journey together,
And may He always be
the heart of your marriage,
the light of your home,
and the ever-present partner in your
life together.


We would like to express our most heartfelt thanks to:

Our Heavenly Father, for joining us together in faith and love; for blessing the day we begin our lives as one; and for being our true source of hope, joy and love, always.

Father Gerard Theraviam, for graciously celebrating our Wedding Mass and making it a true celebration in God's presence. This is indeed the day that our Lord has made.

Our beloved parents and family members, for your unconditional love in bringing us up and selfless sacrifice for both of us all these years. We hope to walk in your footsteps.

Our dear relatives, for your strong support and taking time to bear witness to our sacrament of marriage.

Our entourage of bridesmaids, groomsmen and helpers, for your great effort and timely help.

Our friends and colleagues from near and far, for taking time to attend our wedding luncheon and reception.

May God bless you with everlasting joy, always.

Thank you all for your well-wishes, gifts and prayers.

Thank you!!!

In His Love,
David & Joyce Bates