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ECOVER's All Purpose Cleaner saves my hands and feet!

The toddler's toilet needs cleaning!

I dread cleaning the house, especially the TOILET! My hands and feet are sensitive towards those commercial chemical-laden household cleaning products. The skin on my finger tips will start to itch and peel after touching those liquid. The skin on the sole of my feet will start to crack and sometimes bleed, making every step raw and painful. Urgh!!!

I always avoid using those harsh detergent, but cleaning with water isn't sufficient and I have a toddler in the house whom I've started to potty-train. He will pee in the toilet and if he poops, I'll wash his bottom in the toilet too. So, the toilet has pee and poop and stains and slimy mold and god-knows-what-else. I can't and shouldn't procrastinate cleaning the toilet!!!

Then, ECOVER arrives. I tell you, I'm so happy beyond words. Why? Because ECOVER's household cleaning products are made of natural plants and minerals which are non-toxic and free of harmful chemicals and they are the savior for people with sensitive skin!

I use ECOVER's All Purpose Cleaner to clean my toddler's toilet. The subtle lemon fragrance helps a lot in soothing my senses as I scrub the floor. If not, I'll be choking from inhaling those overpowering "fragrant" chemical vapor from commercial cleaning detergent.

One thing that surprises me is that I don't feel stinging pain at the sole of my feet. If I'm using normal detergent, I'll usually feel lingering pain even when I'm wearing slippers because the chemical-laden water is just too harsh for my poor feet. With ECOVER's all purpose cleaner, I'm surprised I don't feel lingering pain, maybe just brief discomfort.

Also, I don't like to wear gloves when I'm cleaning because they slow me down. I like scrubbing the floor with naked hands. With this cleaner, I don't experience peeling skin right after cleaning. Awesome eh?

Tada, the toilet is now sparkly clean. I'm one happy mama!


  1. Heard about this brand. Sounds good and gentle for our skin. I also dread doing cleaning around the house. Like you, I have sensitive skin.

    1. Pity us. Luckily there are solutions like ECOVER. :)
