It's the most "wonderful" time of the year. For Malaysians, personal income tax filing happens in March to April every year. 😬😬😬
Infographic from HASiL Malaysia FB.
Starting 1 January 2023, LHDN has changed the prefix for TIN or Tax Identification Number (Nombor Pengenalan Cukai) for all individual taxpayers from SG and OG to IG. IG stands for Individual Group.
Everything You Should Claim As Income Tax Relief Malaysia 2023 (YA 2022)
These Are The Personal Tax Reliefs You Can Claim In Malaysia
Infographic from HASiL Malaysia FB.
To sum this up, the Bible says, "Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."
Yep, I will definitely pay my taxes, as I have done so for almost two decades! 😬😬😬
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