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Thank You Lord for 2007

Two more days and we are going to say goodbye to 2007. It has been a bittersweet year for me and I don't think I've the mood to narrate everything.

I've to agree that both 2006 & 2007 had been eventful and traumatic yet were experiential years. I believe I grew up, psychologically. It seemed too good to be true that I could handle stress more than I think I could. My father's sudden death pushed me over my stress threshold.

It seemed so... (I couldn't think of a proper adjective) for me to receive news, congratulate, and attend weddings of my contemporaries... and yet I'm still... a-l-o-n-e.
So, I've a question. What about 2008 - the final year for my birthday to start with the number '2'? Do I still need to pass through yet another 'eventful' or rather, uneventful year?

Well, here are something to remind us of counting our blessing and thanking the Lord for 2007.


2008 Public Holidays (Malaysia)

Click here to see the official calender of 2008 Malaysian Public Holidays.



Youth home grouping

Haha... I almost fainted. Now only I know Leon uploaded this video.

These youths are adorable and funny :)


Thai Horror Movies in January 2008

Thai horror movies are... How should I put it? Elegantly scary. Not all but most of them.

Remember these movies?

Nang Nak (1999)

Shutter (2004)

Perng Mang: The Haunted Drum (2006)

Alone (2006)

Coming soon (Jan 2008):
The House (2007)
The Screen of Kamchanod (2007)


I gave you my heart...

Ashley Tisdale's Last Christmas

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Have a fabulous & blessed year ahead!















一个人,在一起的时候,会莫名的失落 喜欢一个人,在一起的时候会很开心



一个人,你期望的是永远 喜欢一个人,你要得只是今天











Others: 1

Others: 2

The difference between like & love


December - National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Another much anticipated movie!

Wikipedia provides something about this movie too!

Release Date:
December 20, 2007

Updates: Watched! (X'Mas Eve). Awesome! Partly factual, partly fiction. Not bad. Comical at times. The actors & actresses are not very physically attractive but they are just superb! A must-watch movie! By the way, I didn't pay for the tickets because I've complimentary passes. Hehehe...






妻子是一种约束,约束你不能随便和别的女人交往 ; 情人是一种补偿,补偿你想从妻子那得到却又无法得到的激情 ; 红颜知己就是一种点拨,点拨你心中的迷津。

妻子陪你过日子,情人陪你花钞票,红颜知己陪你聊聊天。 妻子不能替代情人因为她没有情人有情调 ; 情人不能代替妻子因为她没有妻子的亲情 ; 妻子和情人都代替不了红颜知己,那是心灵的需要。

妻子是一个和你没有一点血缘关系的女人,却为你深夜不回家而牵肠挂肚 ; 情人是一个和你没有一点家庭关系的女人,却让你尝尽做男人滋味尽情消魂 ; 红颜知己是一个还没和你扯上关系的女人,却能分担你的快乐和忧愁。

妻子是一个家,是一个能给你浮躁的心带来安抚的港湾 ; 情人是家的累赘,只是不到万不得已你不想甩掉 ; 红颜知己是家的点缀,没有她你不会觉得寂寞,但你会觉得生活没意思。

妻子的关心像一杯白开水,有时会成为一种唠叨,只是在生病时才成为一种温馨 ; 情人的关心就像在白开水里加了一勺糖,慢慢地品上一个晚上还不满足 ; 红颜知己的关心就像工作到午夜喝一杯咖啡,越喝越提神。

妻子怀上你的孩子会深情地问你想要个男孩还是要个女孩,情人怀上你的孩子会哭着来问你该怎么办怎么办啊?对于红颜知己,你会把你的情人怀孕的消息告诉她 ,并问她你该怎么办。 至于妻子,你会在她发现你的情人肚子大了的秘密后才告诉她 : “其实,我早就想告诉你了。” 然后拼命地向她解释,并作可怜状。

妻子回了娘家一个星期不回来你也不想,情人三天不见你就给她打电话 : 上哪去了?今晚我们到老地方喝杯咖啡好吗?心中有了苦闷,你最想找个红颜知己倾诉,告诉她你在妻子和情人之间疲于奔命,实在受不了了。

最让男人受不了的是妻子的唠叨,情人的眼泪,红颜知己的误解。 妻子的唠叨使男人的心乱上加乱 ,情人的眼泪让男人已硬的心变得酥软,红颜知己的误解把男人的心由悬崖推进深谷。

最好的妻子,就是男人能从她身上找到情人和红颜知己两种相互交织的感觉,只是这种感觉男人很难找到。 最好的情人是在你和她的关系被妻子发现而主动退出又不提任何要求,只是情人很难做到这点。 最好的红颜知己是有一天她能成为情人,甚至妻子,只是这种想法很难实现。

如果有可能,男人都在想把红颜知己变成情人,如果再有可能,再把她变成妻子。 只是变成妻子的红颜知己就不再是知己了,因为很少有男人把自己的妻子当成知己的。 男人心中有好多秘密不能随便说给妻子听。 要不,那还叫男人么?

娶一个妻子是为了怕别人说闲话,找一个情人是为了给单调的生活加点味精,交一个红颜知己是想给空虚的心灵浇点鸡汤。 男人一生都在寻找的不是一个妻子,也不是一个情人,而是一个甚至更多的红颜知己。


爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有了一个人就一定要珍惜 ; 不要等到伤害的时候才去乞求原谅,不要等到失去的时候再去挽回。




Merry X'Mas & Happy New Year!

2008 is around the corner. Do count our blessings and have a wonderful year ahead!

Let's continue to make 2008 a more "value-added" year for DiGi customers, especially for DiGi WAP users!


Warmest Regards,

2008 (Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig)

Year 2008: Year of the Rat

General: Good chance to take up courses, pick up new skills, and get involved in research or strategy planning. Take advantage while your focus and concentration is running high. Many people tend to speak ill of you, finger point behind your back or gossip about you, more office politics revolving around you or people trying to get you into trouble. Avoid gossip corners at all cost. Do not be the source of gossips. What goes around comes around. Try to focus on what you are doing rather than on what others are talking about you. Be diligent in your work and watch your back.

Career: Pick up information very quickly and are able to react to situations. Office politics is very severe; people will try to find your mistakes, speak ill, back-stab, finger point at you or try to get you into trouble. Shift your focus from others to what you have to do. Give your best shot and you will be able to reap the best.

Wealth: Average. Focus on conserving your wealth rather than growing it extensively. Be careful in terms of investment, lending money to others or being other people's guarantor as there is high chance that you might get cheated. Try not to let greed lead you into losing more than you make.

Relationship: Average for those who are in relationships. Remember not to bring rumors or gossip back home. This will disrupt the harmonious atmosphere in the family. For those who are single, chances of getting into a relationship are rather slim. Misunderstanding might create embarrassment for those whom you are interested in. If you like someone, it is important for you to be communicate clearly to the person involved rather than letting him/her get the news from the grapevine. Do not share sensitive topics with others or else they will become great gossip topics.

Health: Instability in the area of health: insomnia, headaches, and colds. You are also more accident prone than usual. Take good care of your health and safety. Have adequate rest and do not let people's opinion affect your emotions.

People: Bad. Many people would finger point, speak ill of you or try to get you into trouble. Avoid gossip at all cost and keep your communication clear. Avoid making unnecessary comments. Pay more attention to yourself and the things that you need to do. Keep your emotions in check.

General: Especially popular and there will be much socializing. Everybody wants to be your friend, be part of your projects, and be associated with you one way or another. Great time to build rapport, meet new people, and be involved in teamwork. If you are in sales or business, this is a perfect time to increase your client base or to build your contacts. Do not engage in a moment's pleasure that might cause you a lifetime's regret. Much gossip and rumors revolving around you. Do not participate in it. Always be responsible for your words and actions. Do not push your luck and get involved in illegal activities. Do not get involved with people that you should not be around with.

Career: You are be welcomed by your peers, vendors, and clients. Great time to build rapport, increase client base, and participate in teamwork. Most of the time you will realize that your popularity is so strong that colleagues or your peers will volunteer to work for you. Always uphold your professionalism and utilize your popularity in a positive way. High chance for office rumors about you to fly around. Do not get involve in any "indecent proposals".

Wealth: Good chance to increase savings. However, there are possibilities that will foil your plans: high tendency of overspending on entertainment and socializing. Do not get involved with illegal activities or people that you should not be with or else you might need to spend a huge amount to buy yourself out of trouble.

Relationship: For those in relationships, there is a high tendency that there will be a third party. Relationships may be hurt by rumors and gossip. It is important to be faithful, honest, and maintain clear communication with your spouse or partner. If misunderstanding arise, try to clear the air soon. Do not take your spouse or partner for granted. For those who are single, this is a great time for you to get out there and meet new people. High chance that you will meet that special someone.

Health: Do not overindulge in drinking, overeating, and staying up late. Do not drink and drive. Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will prolong your popularity and good luck. If you have elders at home, take care of their health and safety.

People: People will like to gossip and spread rumors about you because you are the hot topic of the town. There is a price to pay for being famous. You are responsible to keep your image and watch yourself closely. Even if you do not, many curious pairs of eyes and ears will not stop prying into your matters.

General: Much instability. Your plans may seem to be smooth sailing but will suddenly hit a rock. You tend to be accident-prone and may have cuts and bruises. However, no matter what crisis, challenges or obstacles that you will face, all will turn out well. Remember to keep yourself cool in the face of trouble. Solutions will come before you know it. If you have elders at home, do take note of their health and safety.

Career: Make contingency plans. Challenges usually strike fast and when least expected. Although the problems will resolve by themselves, do keep yourself cool and do not aggravate it.

Wealth: Sometimes you may find that you are earning a lot, but you may also realize that you have spent more than you should. Watch your expenses.

Relationship: If you are attached or married, your relationship is stable. If you are single, there is still the chance to meet someone especially in the early part of the year. If there are some suitable candidates, do consider seriously. Do not take too long to think because opportunity will not wait for anyone.

Health: Accident-prone. You tend to have cuts and there are signs of bleeding. There are also signs that you might go through surgery. Be extra careful in terms of your safety, especially if you are handling sharp objects or operating heavy machinery. If you have elders at home, take extra care of their health and safety.

People: Do not need to pay much attention.

General: Your health will be one of your top concerns. You are more prone to falling ill. It is more important to conserve your energy. Although you may have very outstanding performances in your career, you need to be very selective in who your allies are because there tends to be more power struggles. Not many people can help you. It is important to keep positive thoughts and surround yourself with positive people.

Career: Power struggles. Office politics and unhealthy competition does not help. You need to be careful in who you choose to be your allies. Do not be involved in unnecessary matters. Do not let others push you into a corner. Revise and implement your political skills. Focus your energy on doing your work well and you will find that you are able to produce excellent results. If you are in business, you will be able to stabilize your business. However, do not act aggressively. Go slow and steady and you will be able to achieve more in the long run.

Wealth: Money matters could be quite tight. Avoid investments.

Relationship: If you are in a relationship, you will have a loving year. You will get the support from your spouse or partner through these unstable days. If you are single, you will have a high chance of finding the love of your life.

Health: Not good. You will be more prone to fall ill because your immune system is especially low. Due to lack of rest, you will increase the risk of being accident-prone. Pay extra attention to your health in terms of having a healthy diet, keep your stress levels in check, and exercise regularly.

People: Quite nasty. Focus on what you want to accomplish and keep your eyes focused on your goals. Do not get distracted by gossip and power struggles. Remember to stay calm and adopt your diplomatic skills.


2008 (Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat)

Year 2008: Year of the Rat

General: Although you will have many opportunities in terms of promotions, bestowed more responsibilities or the expansion of your business this year, there will be more challenges ahead. You will be busier than usual but not necessary fruitful due to severe people problems. There will be more misunderstandings, betrayals, back-stabbings, and disputes. Hence, it is important to watch your back. Do not participate in any gossip corners. Avoid direct conflicts with others. High probability of being involved in legal situations. You might want to have more personal space and be interested in religion, philosophy, metaphysics, and other new age topics. A good year for those who are studying or doing research.

Career: The authority figures, management or your boss are likely to give you more opportunities to display your strengths this year. More chances of promotions or being given more responsibilities. If you are in business, consider expanding your business. Severe office politics will be very challenging for you. Avoid direct conflicts with others. Time to utilize your diplomatic skills.

Wealth: Although your wealth luck is good, there is a concern of losing it through legal problems. If you are investing, do your own homework and go through the fine print even if it means taking a longer time and greater effort to study before making a decision.

Relationship: For those who are attached or married, you may want to have more personal space. For those who are single, the probability of meeting someone special is rather slim.

Health: You may suffer from lethargy, gastric and stomach problems, weak concentration, and short attention span. Try to have adequate rest and be positive. Most of the arising health issues are due to people issues and being too stressed out. You might feel demoralized and even doubtful about yourself. Surround yourself with positive environment and people.

People: People problems are severe. Try to be humble, diplomatic, and tactful. Avoid getting into any direct conflicts with others. Back-stabbings, betrayals, and misunderstandings are very common. While others are trying to irritate you, especially on the career front, it is important to understand that you need to focus on your own goals and do not let them offend or affect your emotions so easily.

General: On the bright side, there are many people who will help you or give you the opportunities along the way. There are also rather severe people problems, back-stabbings, betrayals, and even direct confrontations. You will have very good wealth luck but at the same time you might suffer from an obsessive and compulsive behavior when it comes to making purchases. You tend to get obsessed over certain items and do not mind overspending or engaging in impulsive shopping sprees. It will be difficult to accumulate wealth. High probability of falling ill.

Office politics can be rather painful. Even when there are opportunities given to you to implement your plans or when you nearly reach your goal, someone who will try to block you from success. Be careful of how you deal with them. Avoid direct confrontation; try to get more support instead.

Wealth: Tend to overspend this year and easily engaged in impulsive purchases or indulging in shopping therapy. Try to look into how you spend your money. You might have difficulty in accumulating wealth and even spend more than you earn. Be aware that it is always good to save for rainy days.

Relationship: For those who are attached or married, there is a high tendency of quarreling or going into cold wars, partly due to high stress caused by your work. Another possible cause of disputes is gossip or people who want to place a strain on your relationship. Have good communication with your partner and do not get into a quarrel due to hear-say. For those who are single, you might not be in the right state of mind or emotion to be in love. Hence, even if the love of your life appears, there will be great hesitation on your part and you may miss the opportunity.

Health: Not good. You tend to have injuries such as sprains or fractures this year. You are also more accident prone than usual. If you need to drive, ensure that you have adequate rest.

People: Severe people problem. There are many irritating people that might obstruct you from your goals or make life more difficult for you. Beware of betrayals, back-stabbings, and misunderstandings. Avoid getting into direct confrontations with others and always appear to be nice. Your temperament may be very unstable. Try to control your temper.

General: Assistance that you can get from others is very minimal. Hence, it is important for you to make the best conscious effort to reduce the challenges you will have to face by staying alert and be prepared for all eventualities. There are many challenges: overspending, being cheated by others, making losses in investments, and getting involved in legal situations. Be extra alert in terms of reading the fine print in documents. Ensure that you really understand the details before committing and signing on the dotted line. In terms of investing, do not trust others easily. Do your own homework and take note of all the paper work. Do not be guarantors for anyone. Your health is unstable. If you have elderly at home, take note of their health and safety. Keep to a safe and conservative approach this year to stabilize your life instead of trying too much. The ripples that you create might cause a huge wave that swallows you later.

Career: Try to keep a low profile. Do not get demoralized when there are lack of opportunities and many restrictions that impede progress in your career. Important to remain. Spend more time to plan strategies rather than trying to be in the limelight. If your job requires you to sign contracts, ensure that you study through carefully the fine print before putting your signature on the dotted line. Do not make impulsive decisions. If there are people who would like to entice you into investing, make your own assessment and do not trust people easily. You are vulnerable to being cheated. Be careful and avoid legal situations.

Wealth: You tend to overspend or make losses in investments. There is probability of being cheated or getting involved in legal situations. Avoid making investments or lending money to others. Try to stick to a stable income rather than thinking about making quick bucks. Conservative wealth management suits you very well.

Relationship: For those who are attached or married, be careful of infidelity. A moment of happiness will cause a lifetime of regret. Be disciplined. You need great support from those you love dearly. Do not let them down. For those who are single, you may have a hard time holding on to a stable relationship.

Health: You tend to fall sick easily, especially digestive problems, flu, and cold. You are also more accident prone than usual. If you have elders at home, be wary of their health and safety too. For those who are elderly and born in the year of the horse, be careful of your spouse's health and safety as well.

People: There are people trying to cheat you. Do not trust others easily. Not only are they looking to cheat you in the monetary sense, they will also try to steal your opportunities. You can still be nice and yet hold on to a very strong conviction of not sharing sensitive and confidential information.

General: Fantastic year. Time to implement your plans and reap the fruits of labor that you have sowed. You will get the support and assistance from the relevant people easily. Though your luck is generally extremely good, remember to stay humble and always have contingency plans because there are many sudden crises too. Do not let arrogance get in your way. There are signs of legal problems. Hence, avoid any illegal activities. Though you will be able to cope with the obstacles that arise, do not attempt to push your luck. Do tread with caution too.

Career: Your career luck is very good. A good time to shine at work. You will get support from your authority figures such as your boss or the management. If you are in business, you will get the support of your clients and your business will do very well. Remember that while you prosper, always make contingency plans and expand conservatively. There tends to be sudden incidents that may cause problems. You do not want to be caught off guard by it.

Wealth: A good year in terms of wealth. If you are investing, choose something that will grow steadily. If you are in business, allow your business to grow gradually. Do not rush into things. How good you are at conserving your wealth also depends on how well you are able to avoid legal situations.

Relationship: There might be more quarrels or disputes between those who are already in relationships, as there will more frustration this year due to stress. Be more patient and it is more important to communicate. For those who are single there will be more concern about the stress caused by other aspects of life.

Health: Be careful of illnesses that strike suddenly such as heart attacks and strokes. You are more accident prone than usual. Do not engage in any high-risk activities. It is important to follow traffic rules carefully and not to exchange conveniences with regrets. If you are driving, ensure that you have adequate rest.

People: More betrayals or back-stabbings. Some people may be jealous of your success and decide to make life difficult for you. Be aware and remain humble and polite.

2008 (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit)

Year 2008: Year of the Rat

General: Great time for you to transform your dreams into reality - to pursue the dream job, position, salary, business, etc. Do not feel that your dreams are out of reach as you will get the support, meet the right people, and find the appropriate resources that can bring you to your goal. Keep your heart and mind open. There will be more disputes, arguments, betrayals and misunderstandings than usual. Try to be humble, keep yourself calm and objective at all times. Things will turn out well. Avoid being too stressed out. Watch out for being hospitalized and having surgery and being involved in accidents.

Career: Promotions, pay rises, and more power is in store. If you have plans that you would like to implement, do so. You will get the support from authority figures and relevant people. If you have been thinking of starting a business, this is a good time to do so. On the career front, there will be more disputes and arguments. Many may not be able to see eye to eye with you or may not be able to understand the way you handle situations. Remember to be more patient with others. Try to spend some more time in explaining and convincing rather then bulldozing your way through.

Wealth: Very good for both your main sources and side sources of wealth.

Relationship: For those who are attached or married, there are more tensions in relationships; frequency of disputes, cold wars or misunderstandings is higher than usual. Keep communication channels open and be more patient with each other despite the high levels of stress that you may be going through. For those who are single, the chances of meeting the right person or falling in love is rather slim. Your abrupt behavior or unpredictable temper could push away your suitors. Try to stabilize your temper and observe yourself through a third party's eyes.

Health: While you are busy reaping the best out of this year, remember to have adequate rest. There is a high tendency of having illnesses such as the flu and other illnesses that are related to anxiety such as headaches and gastric problems. There are also signs of being hospitalized and involved in accidents.

People: There are a lot of arguments, betrayals and misunderstandings. Avoid getting into head on conflicts with others. If you feel that someone is testing your patience or trying to antagonize you, show the person how gracious you are by being patient and smiling it off.

General: You have a premium ticket especially for males. For females, you would gain more benefits if you could get assistance and support from males. In general, you will do very well in terms of career and wealth. If you have any plans, personally or professionally, put them into action. Despite your success in career and making more money, you will still feel a strong sense of insecurity and emptiness within, and tend to be moody and depressed. Your moodiness will affect your emotions, relationships, wealth, and health. This may lead you to indulge in activities in order to escape from the truth. The deeper you try to bury the issues, they will come back to haunt you. Why not take the opportunity of being in such a good year to work on these issues?

Career: Chances of promotions. Your bosses and authority figures will give you ample opportunities to shine. You are going to exceed their expectations, be given more trust and responsibilities, and signs of salary increases. If you are in business, consider expanding your business, increase your market share and grow your revenue.

Wealth: Very good for both your main sources and side sources of wealth but you might overspend. Whether your money will be able to grow exponentially depends heavily on whether you can save this year.

Relationship: For those who are married or attached, it will be a rocky year, mainly due to insecurities and moodiness. Relationships tend to grow weak and brittle when one party is always not in a good mood. Gossip or devious third parties could easily worsen the situation. Communicate clearly as to how you feel to your partner. If you are unhappy and it has nothing to do with your partner, let your partner know. For those who are single, the chance of getting attached is slim due to your emotional instability. Before you can attract the love of your life, you need to stabilize your emotions first.

Health: Health is average in general. Do not indulge in activities that might harm your health such as drinking and eating excessively.

People: Average. Do not need to worry about back-stabbings and betrayals.

General: Very busy and will always be on the move: traveling, signs of moving house, migration or relocation. How well this year could be for you will depend heavily on yourself because there are not many lucky stars shining on you to provide the conveniences that you might need. However, there are not many obstacles. You will still do very well if you have been giving your best in terms of your career and financial management. You may feel especially emotionally detached this year and would like to have more personal space. This certainly will affect your relationships. The area that deserves your special attention is in the area of health and safety. There is a higher chance of falling ill or being involved in an accident or being hospitalized and having surgery this year. Take good care of your health and have adequate rest. If you have elderly people at home, be careful of their health and safety too.

Career: Able to perform well if your job or business requires traveling or moving around. You will also be able to do well if you are in sales or you earn on a commission basis. Even though you may have a very tight schedule, do not make impulsive judgments because there are great opportunities. Do not allow your lack of time to be an excuse to deny yourself of opportunities and benefits that are coming your way. While you remain open and receptive to success and prosperity, do your own homework and use your wisdom. Do not rely too much on others.

Wealth: Highly dependent on whether have you been sowing the seeds and utilizing the opportunities that are presented to you. If you have been doing your homework well, rest assured that your wealth luck is favorable.

Relationship: It will be a quiet year for singles. For those who are attached or married, you may spend less time with your partner due to your busy schedule, or you may go into cold wars frequently, or you may even feel emotionally detached from the relationship. There are even signs of a breakup. Challenging year for relationships.

Health: Higher tendency of falling ill this year. Be careful of safety too. For those who have elderly people at home, be cautious of their health and safety too.

People: Do not need to worry about people problems this year.

General: More obstacles, restrictions, and sudden challenges that impede the progress of your desires. Your concentration is weaker and your attention span is shorter than usual, and a strong tendency to overlook details or being forgetful. Therefore, it is important not to make impulsive decisions. If a decision is required, try to give it more time to think it through or request someone who you can trust to go through the details with you. However, your popularity is running high. Good time to build rapport, meet new people, those who could help you, socialize, and be in a team. While you are the star of the town, there are some green eyes casting unfriendly glances at you. Remember not to make yourself an easy target for betrayal. High chance of being involved in legal disputes.

Career: More sudden challenges are expected to jump at you. Hence, always make contingency plans. You will function better in a team. If you could arrange resources in such a way that your teammates handle the technical or operational parts of the job while you handle the marketing and public relations side of it. There will be more office politics. Be prepared to protect yourself well against it. Avoid gossip corners. Avoid flaunting your success or your popularity. There may be legal disputes due to envious people.

Wealth: Be extra careful when it comes to investments, mainly due to a lack of concentration and a shorter attention span. Either sleep on the idea for some time before making a decision or request someone that you could trust to go through the fine print of the contract before signing on the dotted line.

Relationship: Those who are attached will have a high chance of getting married this year. There is a strong chance that singles will meet the love of their lives. For those who are married, the passion in their relationship will be burning bright.

Health: High chance of falling ill and being accident-prone. Have adequate rest to ensure that you are always alert, especially for those who drive.

People: Much back-stabbings and betrayals this year. Avoid sharing too much information with people who may have a conflict of interest with you. Due to your strong popularity, there are some people who will not like you to be so likeable and decide to make life tougher for you. Protect yourself by not flaunting your popularity and keeping a low profile. There are signs of being involved in legal disputes this year.


Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is another movie not to be missed.

JOHNNY DEPP is Sweeney Todd! After watching the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, I've always regard that Johnny Depp is a great actor. Second, it's a horror/crime/thriller/musical movie. Third, great story. Based on a myth? I've no idea.

Tagline: Never Forget, Never Forgive

Watch the trailer.

His voice was soft, his manner mild,
He seldom laughed but he often smiled,
He'd seen how civilized men behave,
He never forgot and he never forgave,
Not Sweeney,
Not Sweeney Todd,
The Demon Barber of Fleet Street...

"The Ballad of Sweeney Todd" by Stephen Sondheim.

Release Date: 24 January 2008


Trip to Taman Negara (Day 3: 22 Dec 2007)

Time to go home.

We took a 2-hour boat cruise downstream of Sungai Tembeling from Kuala Tahan to Kuala Tembeling Jetty before heading back to Jerantut by bus (the same bus).

At Jerantut, each one of us received a certificate from the tour agency, indicating that we've successfully joined their adventure package to Taman Negara, the world's oldest, 135 million year-old rainforest, located in the state of Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia on the 20th - 22nd December 2007.


May be I could suggest a team-building session at Taman Negara to my manager.



Trip to Taman Negara (Day 2: 21 Dec 2007)

Nice weather. In the mood for more FUN!

We have our breakfast at this departure point (the floating restaurant that I've mentioned earlier).

Then, off we go for more inner jungle adventure!

Morning: The
Canopy Walkway is a must-go.

Errr... At first, it was very scary. The bridge would sway gently and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. This Canopy Walkway is proudly known as the World's Longest Hanging Bridge!

After completing the walkway, they all went to hike
Teresek Hill to view the scenic Tahan Mountain. Well, I've had the scariest moments of my life, so I headed back to our lodging to rest. Yeah, sounds so lame...

Afternoon: Orang Asli settlement
We visited one of the orang asli (Batek tribe) settlements along Sungai Tembeling. According to our tour guide, these orang asli originated from Africa. No wonder they have the Afro-like "bombastic" hair. The orang asli chief was quite friendly. He and some of his villagers demonstrated on how to make blowpipe darts, how to start a fire, and how to use a blowpipe.

Photo taken from Travel NST.

The man in the photo above looks exactly like the friendly chief who demonstrated their skills to our group. I wonder if he knows that his photo is everywhere on the Internet.

Evening: Rapids shooting
The initial information: Boat journey to shoot 7 major rapids towards Sungai Trenggan and BE PREPARED TO GET WET. I've no idea how the whole activity would be. It turned out that this was the most exciting activities of all!

All of us boarded 3 boats with skillful boatmen and playful tour guides. The young guides were splashing us with river water as our boats raced against each other and tried to splash the most water at one another. We were soaked to the uttermost but it was very, very exciting! Can't really take photos or one might say goodbye to the camera. Haha...

These are the type of boats we used for rapids shooting.

To be continued...


Trip to Taman Negara (Day 1: 20 Dec 2007)

Approximately two weeks before we departed to Taman Negara in Pahang, news about flood and landslides were all over Malaysia. I wondered, "Will this trip be a success? What if it rains? What if we are caught in a landslide while we are trekking through the jungle?"

Haha... Nope.

We departed from Petaling Jaya around 8:30am by bus (arranged by the agency through which we booked the whole trip package) to Jerantut, Pahang and reached at 11:30am. Not much to be done in Jerantut. After lunch, we departed to Kuala Tahan at 1pm. Around 1:45pm, we reached one of those floating restaurants at Kuala Tahan. Then, we juggled our way down sandy riverbank and hopped onto boats to go across the river (Sungai Tembeling) to our lodging (Mutiara Taman Negara - National Park Resort).

Yeah... We didn't camp. We stayed in "dorms" since there were 35 of us, including kids.

The adventure has just begun...

Our first "task": Jungle trekking and Ear Cave exploration. Here are the keywords; the rest, I leave to you to imagine.

Keywords: Raining (yes, it was raining!), muddy, slippery, leeches, tiring, soaking wet, very cold... but rewarding! Well, I waited for them outside the cave, I didn't go in. Now I realize I need more physical exercises to boost my stamina and to overcome my fear of all physical activities. Haha...

Those who went into the cave saw bats hanging from the ceiling. Oww... Look at those sinister-looking creatures.

By the time they came out from the cave, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. The trails were getting muddier than before. I've to push myself to the limit. No matter how I feel, I gotta get out of the jungle and I did. I seldom take the risk to do things that I DON'T LIKE. This time, I guessed I did the contrary.

We were dripping with mud, sweat, and rain water. Some were targeted by leeches and came back with blood trickling down their legs. So, it was time to clean up the mess. We took a long time to shower, wash our mud-soaked clothes and sports shoes.

Guess what? Since we were in contact with the nature, we could see wild boars, monkeys, and monitor lizards. We didn't see them all the time but when they appeared, we were excited.

Note: Got this photo from the website.

Here's the wild boar that loved to "visit" us and made lots of noise and mess. Some of us took quite a number of photos of this gentle beast. I've no idea how could it be so "friendly" but we still kept our distance, in case it charged at us out of a sudden.

To be continued...


BC Hydro Holiday Card

This website is very impressive in terms of generating web hits in a playful yet heart-warming way, aligned with the idea of donation & festive greetings.

BC Hydro Holiday Card

Songs of "Home"

Songs of "Home" that I really love.

Chris Daughtry's Home

Michael Buble's Home

Westlife's Home


Before it's too late...

All the "Ifs"...

If you're mad with someone and nobody's there to fix the situation, you fix it.
May be today, that person still wants to be your friend. If you don't, tomorrow can be too late.

If you're in love with somebody but that person doesn't know, tell her/him.
May be today, that person is also in love with you. If you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late.

If you still love a person that you think has forgotten you, tell her/him.
May be that person has always loved you. If you don't tell her/him today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you need a hug of a friend, ask her/him for it.
May be she/he needs it more than you do. If you don't ask for it today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you really have friends whom you appreciate, tell them.
May be they appreciate you as well. If you don't and they leave or go far away today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you love your parents and never had the chance to show them, do it.
May be you have them there to show them how you feel. If you don't and they leave today, then tomorrow can be too late.

Sharing is caring...








***** ***** ***** *****





麵線送上來了,B 說,「你記得嗎?十年前我們在這裡念書時,你喜歡吃這家的蚵仔麵線,說他們的大腸處理得好,蚵仔也新鮮。那時候我們沒錢,只能吃麵線,連個小菜都覺得奢侈,我想你大概很久沒吃蚵仔麵線了,我倒是常來這裡吃,也回味一下年輕時

A不懂B究竟是什麼意思,不過,A也想起來以前確實很喜歡吃這家的蚵仔麵線,為什麼畢業後再也沒來吃過,沒想到這家小店還開著,而且麵線還是很好吃,滋味完全不輸魚翅呢。B看A吃出了滋味,便對A 說,「我的公司小,不能和你闖下的局面比,但時機不好,如果你不嫌棄,就先來和我一起做吧,將來有適當的機會,你想要另起爐灶也行,或是我們哥兒倆就合作下去,都行。」

有時候我們覺得別人變了, 其實是自己變了。」


Awesome: I Am Legend

Interview: Will Smith on Dogs, Children, and I Am Legend

It's amazing to compare the real-life Will Smith with his on-screen persona of Robert Neville. Walking in the door of the I Am Legend press conference, Smith radiates a sense of both playful youth and a very adult sense of being a father and someone committed to his ideals. It's not hard to understand why Smith's charisma is box office gold. Who doesn't like this guy? Smith spoke about Legend, shooting in New York, working alongside his daughter, falling in love with his co-star, a German Shepherd named Abbey, and about some of the ideals he hopes the film can communicate.

The largest production in the history of New York, Smith didn't exactly make friends with local commuters: "We shut down six blocks of Fifth Avenue on a Monday morning. That was probably poor logistics," he laughs. "Percentage-wise, I would say it's the most amount of middle fingers I've ever received. I was starting to think that f*** was my name."

Still, the barren streets achieved a stark realism that comes through in the final product: "When we were doing it, it was chilling to walk down the middle of Fifth Avenue. There's never an opportunity to walk down the middle of Fifth Avenue. Two o'clock in the morning on a Sunday, you can't walk down the middle of Fifth Avenue. It created just such a creepy energy. It just puts such an icky, eerie kind of feeling on the movie."

On the idea of the last man on Earth being African American, Smith talked about how he thinks labels like that diminish the impact: "It's almost a metaphysical idea for me. I rarely think about that until someone brings it up... For me, the acknowledgment of those kinds of ideas put a weird boundary on my thoughts that I can't allow to be a part of it because it makes me think smaller."

Embracing the character of Neville, Smith worked with POWs and people who had been in solitary confinement to get an understanding of what happens to a man divorced from human contact: "It was such a wonderful exploration of myself," he says, "because what happens is you get in a situation where you don't have people to create the stimulus for you respond to. You start to create the stimulus and the response. So there's a connection with yourself that where your mind starts to drift to in those types of situations where you learn things about yourself that you would never even imagine."

Working directly with former Black Panther Geronimo il-Jaga, held for 27 years in prison and over three months in solitary, Smith talked about what the experience brought to his character:
"[He] said, the first thing is a schedule. That you will not survive in solitary confinement if you don't schedule everything.You plan things like cleaning your nails and you'll take two hours that you have to because it's on the schedule that you have to just clean your nails. He said that he spent about six weeks and he trained roaches to bring him food. The idea of where your mind goes to defend itself! Either he really did train the roaches - which is huge - or his mind needed that survive. Either way, you put that on camera and it's genius. For me the thing was to get into the mental space where what the truth was for Robert Neville didn't matter. The only thing that mattered is what he saw and what he believed."

The mental state of Neville, Smith hopes, is something that everyone in the world can relate to one level or another: "With movies, I'm really connecting to the Joseph Campbell idea of the collective unconscious. There are things that we all dream. There are things that each one of us has thought that connect to life, death, sex. There are things that are beyond language. To me, this is one of those concepts. That you've been on the freeway many times and you wished
everybody was dead. There have been times when you've just wished you were by yourself. You don't need any of these assholes. You just want to be by yourself. That separation from people - that being ripped away from people - that being separated, connected with the dark and unknown of the dark. How we would fare against whatever is in that realm of the unknown is a really primal idea. I loved this concept because it connected to ideas that a four year old can understand."

Smith also spoke briefly about his own personal religious belief and how, like thought, they tie to an inner self: "I don't necessarily believe in organized religion. I was raised in a Baptist household, went to a Catholic church, lived in a Jewish neighborhood and had the biggest crush on the Muslim girl from one neighborhood over. I believe that my connection to my higher power is separate from, everybody. I don't believe that Muslims have all the answers and I
don't believe that Christians have all the answers or Jews . I love my God - my higher power - but it's mine and mine alone. I create my connection and I decide how my connection is going to be."

Smith's on-screen daughter is played by his real-life daughter, Willow: "You kind of don't work with Willow," he jokes, "You work for Willow. She just wants it. She has a drive and she has an
energy and she just connects to human emotion."

Smith's co-star for much of the film is Sam, a German shepherd whose real name is Abbey: "When I was nine," says Smith, "I had a dog, Trixie, a white golden retriever who got hit by a car. So I refused - no animals. Jada can have the animals she wants. The kids can have the dogs they want. I am not putting myself emotionally connected to a dog anymore. And then Steve brought that damn Abbey on the set. You say a "smart dog". It got to the point with Abbey where she'd be playing, playing, playing and she'd hear "rolling!" and she'd run over to her
mark and get ready. She would know when I wasn't doing my lines right. It was the first time I allowed myself to be fond of a dog since that experience and I was like - to the owner, Steve, 'Steve, please. Abbey has to live with me. Please!' And he was like, 'Well, this is how I make my living, man.' 'Tell me what you need! [I said] A house in the hills?'"


Here are more information about I Am Legend:
"I Am Legend" Dog Star Abbey: All work and no play?
"Anybody Out There, I Am Legend"