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God's light vs man's firebrands

Today, I read a meaningful article. Here's the excerpt:

Compare Psalm 36:9 with Isaiah 50:11. We can see the great difference between the words "In Your light we see light" and "Indeed, all of you who kindle a fire, / Who surround yourselves with firebrands...." God's light enables man to see light, but the light that comes from man's firebrands is useless; it cannot give him light. The light that comes from man's firebrands originates from his own considerations and thoughts and is totally worthless. Isaiah 50:11 says that those who kindle a fire and surround themselves will lie down in torment. Spiritual darkness can never be removed by human firebrands. What we really need is God's light. Only God's light will give us true spiritual sight. Examining ourselves or engaging in introspection are acts that rely on human firebrands; they cannot render us any light.

We have to ask the Lord to deliver us daily so that we can live in God's light and discern the true nature of things. May the Lord deliver us from falsehood and obsession.

(Watchman Nee, The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, Vol. 44)

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