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High Achiever

You're A High Achiever
You strive toward perfection, but you have a healthy understanding of what is and isn't possible, and you're able to enjoy the journey without getting overly hung up on the results. Good for you! You may find the resources below of interest in case any perfectionistic tendencies begin to creep in, or to help the perfectionists in your life learn to relax and accept themselves.

High Achievers' Traits
1. Satisfied with doing a great job and achieving excellence (or something close), even if their very high goals aren’t completely met.

2. Take pride in their accomplishments and tend to be supportive of others.

3. Pulled toward their goals by a desire to achieve them, and are happy with any steps made in the right direction.

4. Set their goals high, perhaps enjoying the fun of going a little further once goals are reached, not only happier, but also more successful than perfectionists in the pursuit of their goals.

5. Enjoy the process of chasing a goal as much or more than the actual reaching of the goal itself.

6. Able to bounce back fairly easily from disappointment.

7. S
ee criticism as valuable information to help their future performance.

8. Have high self-esteem, not self-critical and unhappy, or lonely or isolated but enjoys team work.

Good! I'll focus more on my strong points and get the best out of them! Way to go!

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