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Early Happy 01 May

Funny little conversation:

一只小壁虎在一施工工地上游荡,这时正有一条大鳄鱼远远地爬了过来,准备要一口吃掉它,情急之 ,小壁虎上前一把抱住了鳄鱼的腿,大声喊:"妈妈!"



Let me translate:

A little lizard was wandering around a building site. Suddenly, a large alligator crawled towards the lizard and was about to devour it. Alarmed, the little lizard ran forward and clutched the alligator's feet, crying, "Mama!"

The alligator was shocked and with tears streaming down her cheeks, "Son, don't work anymore. It's only half a month and you are as thin as this. Take a rest on 01 May laa..."

Tips: Visualize a tiny lizard and a large alligator! Hahaha...

Happy 01 May - Workers' Day :)

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