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I wanna be blind

Yeah, my suspicion was confirmed by what I saw with my very OWN eyes. I scored 100% for this "quiz." So, it's true that they are a couple. Walaoooo... %&^%*^#$#%$%

Let's view it from the bright side. So, my sixth sense is still as accurate as ever. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the ultra-sensitive type. I gotta admit I am. If you don't like me, I can sense. If you like me, I can sense it either. (Like, in the sense of being comfortable with.)

I hate being so ultra-sensitive. Why must I have feelings? The more feelings I have, the deeper the hurt is gonna be. That's why I always act cool. I know, when people first see me, they have this kinda opinion in their mind: This girl is very unapproachable. So damn cold the look on her face.

Hey, it's not my fault, ok?

I wanna look strong because the fact is that I'm too vulnerable within.


Anyway, I've discovered that people tend to take roughly a month or slightly lesser to bother to know me better. Whatever...

I will just be who I am.

I don't wanna care to know what people think of me.

I wanna be blind!

Whatever will be, will be... The future's not ours to see...


Current mood: Inexplicably foul :(