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Birthday surprise~

In 2006, I treat myself to a 5-day trip to the Philippines in June for my birthday. It's great! Can't wait to celebrate my birthday in different ways every year even it is on my own. I don't mind. It has been so for as long as I can remember ;)

Last year, 15 June 2007, I gave myself a surprise by moving from a house to another house (can't disclose the details in case got online stalkers... you can't be more careful these days...) I "sengaja" chose that date, a day before my birthday, because I want to give myself something different.

Then, this year, again June 15th, I'm repeating the same thing :) Gonna move house again! Yay!! This time round, I like the new house, new room, new surrounding, new parking space, new everything! (Although I just moved a few "lorong" away from my current house!) Hahaha...

This year marks my final birthday that starts with the number "2". Gonna make it a "memorable" one but not traumatized :P


Current mood: Anticipating...

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