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Combined effect

Some random liners sparked by random combinations:

juicy sunkist (sparked by the color orange)
succulent cherry (sparked by the color red)
jollie stripey (sparked by stripes)

Doesn't make any sense, right?


Adjectives: juicy + succulent vs round + rotund

Updates: smugly bunny (smug = a smile that comes after doing a bad deed, e.g. bully people)
Substitutes: funny bunny, cuddly bunny, snuggly bunny...

More updates: The bunny LOVES butterfliessss and bumbleee beeeessss (meaning Transformer Bumblebee). Ouh... I can imagine what a blissful life the bunny will have when butterflies and bumblebees are around...

*hop hop hop*

P/S: Copywriters are crazzzzyyyyy!


  1. hahaha...

    managing the copywriting skill is a joyful thing to do ah...

  2. joyful joycie joyce! :D
