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I'm happy when you're happy :)

I read a story.

A father brought his daughter to a toy shop and asked her to choose anything from the shop that will make her happy. The little girl looked around and finally chose a Barbie doll that delighted her. Happily, she handed the pretty doll to her father.

At that moment, a little boy came into the shop, followed by his father. The little boy's father also asked him to choose a toy. He picked up a little robot from the shelf and looked imploringly at his father. The father shook his head slowly. Gently, he pushed the robot back to the shelf. The little boy let off a little sigh and moved on to the stickers section. After flipping through a few, he picked his treasure. This time the father nodded his head.

The little girl was watching the whole scene. As the little boy and his father walked away, the little girl pulled her father to the robots section and insisted that her father will buy her the robot that the little boy has picked earlier on, not the Barbie doll. Her father eyed her suspiciously, not knowing what has transpired. Anyway, he smiled and took the robot off the shelf.

The little boy and his father were still lingering in the shop. Seizing the opportunity, the little girl asked the cashier lady to wrap the robot and hid it after her father has paid for it. Then, pointing at the little boy and his father, the little girl told the lady to swap the little boy's sticker with the robot when they came to the counter. The little girl explained that she wanted to give a surprise gift to the little boy. The lady smiled and assured her that she knew what to do.

The little girl then waited outside the shop with her father while watching what will happen. Not long after that, she saw the lady winking at her while telling the little boy that he was randomly
picked among the customers to win a surprise gift from the shop. The little boy was so surprised! He beamed and smiled while his father rubbed his head lovingly.

Smiling secretly to herself, she held her father's hand and together, they walked to the car. Her father was curious and asked why would she do so. The little girl replied, "You asked me to do something that will make me happy today. I just did."

I found out that making others happy will make me happy as well. I may not get what I wanted; I may not have what I hoped or wished for; but it makes me happy when others are happy. I'll pray for others so that their dreams may come true and they be happy. Then, I'll be happy too :) I know I will...

Got a little butterfly at the lamb's pinkish feet :)

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


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