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What else?

Sometimes, when unexpected things are spoken, you just couldn't help but smile.......

.....till my sis asked me, "Why are you smiling like an idiot?"

Lol... Paisehnya...

This is the cause:
J: I keep ur thumbie?
A: ^^; can
J: nice names --> thumbie, mobbie, lappie
J: wat else ^^
A: joicie
A: ^^

I wonder what else can we add -ie at the back & make them sound so cute ^^~~

Hmmm... Mikie sounds evil though.... Wuakakakaka...


  1. Muahah!
    Mikie sounds sissy.. *sheepish*

  2. Hahah!

    Mikie said he's too busy to bombard back. Kesiannye...

    I think he's losing laa...

    *admit it, spiky mike*


  3. It's been so long since the beginning of blog war.. i don't smell a 'rat' fr Mikie's blog yet.. kekekeke... gotta needle him a bit then mebbe he will update.

  4. Mikie is a nice girl's name!!

    Hmm... should I use it in my next story? :3

  5. the weird thing is that i couldn't really remember this conversation, was i just too zoned out during work today or i just forgot teasing Joyce about it. hahahaaha, it's been a long since the war. but i seldom whack her online, hahaha..i love to c her face when i make her go berserk...l

  6. Mikie? Spiky Mike? Hmm...

    Why not Spiky Mikie? ^^

    Oops, just added fuel to the flame. Hehe, my bad~ =P
