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I long for a poem

I can't really write poems. In fact, if I do write poems, something is very "wrong" with me.

Minus those secondary school English Literature or Kesusasteraan Melayu homeworks, the first poem that I wrote was in Chinese. And... that was when "first love" didn't work out. As usual, when my emotion was in total havoc, creativity "juice" would flow freely and amazingly. I tore up the booklet that kept the eight-stanza poem the moment I knew he was engaged, then married. So much for poem-writing. What a lame way to start a poem :D

When was the second time I penned another poem? Let me think... It was after my dad's funeral, I believe. It was in English. I don't quite remember whether I still keep it. If I do, I'm not so keen to read it... again.

Third time, the poem was in BM. The story behind the poem was inspired after I cried myself to sleep upon learning the fact of a "situation". And yes, it's related to somebody... But am okay now. Mistakes speed up my growth in relationship-related situations.

However, I don't mean that I write poems only when I'm facing the downs of my life. And it doesn't necessarily mean that I'd write one when I do face terrible events or happenings.

Here's an example:

I long for happiness, but there's a fear my heart can't fight,
I fear of blindness, but oh, how I dreaded to see the light.

I dreamt of love that makes my heart tremble,
Love that makes the stars twinkle, love that's true and gentle.

But the love that was once so sweet, that once made me feel the heat,
Such love now makes me bitter and my soul, torn into pieces.

Bliss was so brief!
Yet, I continue with heartbreak... and grief.

I've no idea why this sort of "plot" came upon me. Well, at least I've written something when I'm not in despair or dismal or anything like that :P


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