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It is more blessed to give than to receive...

Lately, I was in some kind of situation that caused me to think twice before I act. I could act upon impulse if I want to but the outcome would be ugly. Acting upon impulse would mean I want to receive. And that simply means I do not want to give.

But then, if I just want to receive and receive, what good would that be to me? I'd be asking for more and if I don't receive what I think I suppose to receive, I'd be miserable, sad, grieving, and things like that.

Then, I ask: What for? Why do I need to make myself bitter by asking for something that may or may not be mine? The Chinese got this saying:
是你的就是你的;不是你的,你再强求,也不会是你的。(Meaning, if it's yours, it's yours; if it's not yours, even if you force it, it will never become yours). This is applicable to every thing that we wish, desire, yearn, and crave.


I amen this verse:

Acts 20:35b
It is more blessed to give than to receive...

Now I'm much lighter :)

Thank You, Lord!

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