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Updated: CNY ~ 3rd - 4th Days @ Bintulu, Sarawak

I forgot why cats are not among the 12 Chinese Zodiacs. Cats should have been included! Look at these tiny and not-yet-huggable-cuddlies! Pardon me for making up words. :P

The mother is here.

Oh yeah... here's an old guinea pig, quite large as well, that loves to eat pandan leaves. He, it's really a he, loves to squeak, (especially when we go nearby his cage) as if saying, "Feed me, feed me! Pandan, pandan!" LOL.


  1. Cats didn't make it to China until quite late, I think long after the Zodiac cycle had been firmed. That's why there aren't many mentions of cats in Ancient China.

    Tigers of course got la. :D
