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Joke: Char Siew Pau & Maggi Mee

Hilarious-nyerrrr! Here you go!

One day, Char Siew Pau and Maggi Mee had a big fight. Maggi Mee beat Char Siew Pau up until it had bruises on its pau body.

Char Siew Pau lost the fight and went back to tell all the Pau family: Kaya Pau, Tau Sa Pau, Curry Pau, and etc. So together, all the Paus went to find Maggi Mee for revenge.

On their way there, they met Spaghetti. All of the Paus ran towards Spaghetti and beat the hell out of Spaghetti until Spaghetti can't say a word!

Spaghetti screamed! "What did I do? I don't even know you!"

Then, Char Siew Pau said, "HEY! MAGGI MEE! Don't think I can't recognize you after you do REBONDING!!"
