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Retreat @ Sekeping Serendah - Fun & Food

An impromptu road trip turns out to be an eventful but rewarding, fun, and superb weekend spent with a bunch... I mean... two good friends! LOL! 

That's a modest recap of our trip to Sekeping Serendah.

For now, treat your curiosity with photos that captured the best (if not all) and great moments!
Pardon me for my choice of common adjectives. It's almost 2:30am... :S

Windy & I were ecstatic at this moment because FINALLY... Huai Bin's car was hauled out from the trench!

BBQ-ed lamb chops, chicken wings, fish, corn on the cob, and eggs. Forgot to marinate the meat. Duh! But it's the BBQ-ing process that counts!

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