LOL! I love geeky surprises, especially those related to IT. Although I won't be able to understand half of them, there are some good souls out there who cheer me up with their geeky remarks. ;) Just take a look at the chain of conversation above.
For privacy purposes, I've removed my friends' names. In fact, my Facebook profile is locked, of which only Friends can view my profile. Friends' friends also can't view. ;)
"Add me as Friend" if you want to but I doubt you'll be able to find my profile among thousands and thousands of Joyce Lee. ;)
For privacy purposes, I've removed my friends' names. In fact, my Facebook profile is locked, of which only Friends can view my profile. Friends' friends also can't view. ;)
"Add me as Friend" if you want to but I doubt you'll be able to find my profile among thousands and thousands of Joyce Lee. ;)
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