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Connect Me™ !

Previously, meaning before March 2007, I could live without the internet. I didn't have anything to do with the virtual world except for my Hotmail, Yahoo, and Maybank2U accounts. And I'm not so sure why I could survive those days of my life. Worse, I've never known that IE is actually called a browser. I just knew that as long as I press that "e" sign, I'll get logged on to the Internet. OMG...

Then, I started to work with an IT company in March 2007. I'm still working with the same company at the moment (*grinning broadly*). And I intend to work there forever. ^^V

When I first joined the company and was assigned to complete some tasks that required connecting to the internet, I asked one of my seniors, "What's a browser?" Imagine the look of horror on his face. :D Oh-uh, I shouldn't recap this incident here or they'll be laughing their heads off. :P

Nowadays, IF I don't have internet connection, I'LL CERTAINLY DIE OF BOREDOM! Why?

In the office, I'll be logged on to the net from 9am till 8pm. Without the internet, I can't reply emails or complete my assignments. That's how true it is. Even when I'm attending off-site meetings, I'll make sure that I'm NOT disconnected. Thanks to DiGi EDGE! (I spelled it correctly this time :P)

When I'm at home (at night and also over weekends), I'll definitely get myself connected again as long as Screwmyx doesn't screw itself up.
I blogged everyday, usually late at night. So I really, really need the connection.

Then, I found out I've an even worse addiction nowadays. Even when I'm watching movies at the cinema or attending events, I'll stay connected to the virtual world via these few important mobile sites as well!!! OMG!

Okay, now here's the list. Before I proceed, sorry about the quality of the screenshots below. I barely survive while using Paint. Photoshop rules! Haha...

First, Windows Live Messenger. These are screenshots about the downloadable DiGi MSN client for selected supported handsets. From here.




Fifth, the BRAND NEW
My DiGi WAP Portal!!! Best viewed with Firefox.

It's the connection..... to people that counts. Being disconnected means being disoriented. Don't you think so?



  1. You are really addicted. Even I'm not that bad! :P

  2. Ahahahaha! Yeah, sometimes, you did crazy things when you just have to do it. Right?

  3. *gulp

    What's a browser? =O =O =O

