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Hilarious 符

The word "" means the yellow paper that those Taoist priests stick to the Chinese vampires' forehead. XD

Let me do a favor by translating these kertas jampi. LOLOLOLOL!!!

First(left): 栽員栽到隔壁符,請帖在同事腳底
Translation (not literal): May my co-worker be retrenched. Please stick thisunder your colleagues' feet.

Second(right): 摸魚不被抓包符,請塞進包子裏吞食
Translation (not literal): May I procrastinate while working but won't get caught. Please eat this.

Third(left): 提案一擊必殺符,請浮貼於客戶雙眼
Translation (not literal): Sure-win proposal/idea generation. Please stick thison your clients' eyes.

Fourth(right): 電腦百毒不侵符,請貼滿主機與螢幕
Translation (not literal): Zero attack from virus/worm/spyware/malware. Please stick thisall over your CPU and monitor.


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