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Please accept my apology

Dear all,

I'd like to apologize sincerely. I'm sorry. Please accept my apology, seriously.

To those who have been and are following my blog, I realized that one particular post was rather disturbing due to its seriously emotional and expressive nature. Some, especially those who are not aware of the other side of the story might have an impression that I'm not okay. To those who know, thanks for being with me.

I'm sorry if what I've posted affected your understanding and comprehension about my situation. I've received quite a number of advices and I really appreciate them.

Thanks Naoko for your tweets, they cheered me up in fact. :-)

Thanks Chris, Windy for Star Trek! Windy, how much was the tic again? :P

Thanks, fellow Twitterers who replied to my rather disturbed statuses. :P

Thanks Gin Ling, our conversation via MSN did contribute to some rather creative liners. :P

Thanks Eric for pointing out that my anger level is actually getting worse. Yeah, I realize that it's so true and I seriously need to deal with it.

Thanks J, you've advised me before to generate the negative energy and power of anger into positive, beneficial actions and work. I'll learn to apply this principle.

Thanks X for sharing the principle of "calm down, assess the situation, then plot a solution, that's how a soldier become a general" with me. Thanks for spending time to explain point by point, I got them. Yes, "it's more blessed to give than to receive". I may be at the receiving end at the moment. I hope one day, I shall be at the giving end to those who need.

Thanks everybody!

I look forward to be a calmer Joyce who will calm and cool down whenever things happen, a rational Joyce who think and assess situations, NOT reacting emotionally, and a sensible Joyce who settle issues sensibly, rationally, and beneficial to everybody.

Sorry again and thanks so much for being with me!


Best Regards,


  1. Well, there's this Chinese saying, “越描越黑。” Meaning, the more you try to explain, the darker the situation becomes.

    Another one, “解釋就是掩飾,掩飾就會退色。” Meaning, explaining is covering up something. When you're covering up, you'll expose much more.

    So, I guess that's it at the moment. No point dwelling on the same point again and again. :)


  2. Another thing to remember is not to deny your emotions. When you're angry, accept that you are, then ask how to channel it into something positive. :D You already have the right idea above! 8D

  3. Thanks Naoko! Sorry for my irrational, erratic display of behavior. :P

    And thanks for bearing them. I won't take these for granted. :D


  4. put a piece of ice on your forehead sometimes which will physically give you the shivers and sort of calms ppl down. :)
