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Monsters vs Aliens

Alien Problem? Monster Solution.

I almost laughed my guts out while watching Monsters vs Aliens in 3D with fellow movie comrades! This was my first experience of watching a 3D movie and it's SUPERB!

Seriously speaking, I don't know what else should I write about watching this computer-animated 3D movie apart from it being entertaining and funny. :P

Who are the monsters on a mission? They are Ginormica (the impossibly tall girl previously known as Susan), Dr. Cockroach, The Missing Link, B.O.B, and Insectosaurus.

Watch out for B.O.B or Bicarbonate Ostylezene Benzoate. This blue gooey, gelatinous mass is SUPER CUTE! There's this one liner from him that I love the most. "I may not have a brain, but I have an idea." ROTFLOL!

Also, when Dr. Cockroach saw the mass reproduction of the evil Gallaxhar, he said, "O.M.G." ROTFLOL!

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