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Budget Weekend Meals

I'm on diet and my purse is on budget. So, can't spend too much on food. :P

Found some nice places to have dinner.

First, the Thai food stalls behind Giant Kelana Jaya, LDP. They aren't permanent but seasonal. Usually, they'll spend about a month here before moving elsewhere and come back again some other time.

The food stalls provide a variety of Thai delicacies.

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup (RM5 per bowl)
Tastes like Chinese herb soup but slightly sweeter. Quite oily, don't consume the soup. Its portion is just nice with two pieces of chicken and some kangkung. You can choose the type of noodles that you want.

Songtam (RM5 per plate)
This is the very well-known Thai young papaya salad. If you don't like its spiciness and saltiness, do remind the lady to omit the chillies (super hot cili padi) and rock salt. Or else, you'll have a hard time finishing the whole plate.


Another great place for Dim Sum - Dragon One at SS2, Petaling Jaya, right beside Murni.

Fried Bean Sheet
I opted for the cheaper version, the one without prawns. :)

Minced Meat & Fish Ball
Hmmm... Not bad but they could have increase the fillings, not thickening the outer skin. :)

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