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Wei Han & Doreen's Wedding @ Petaling Jaya

Two weeks after Vincent & Christine's wedding thanksgiving meeting, we've another sweet couple - Wei Han & Doreen. :)

Here's every Christian couple's consecration vow before the Lord for their household. Joshua 25:14: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Here's the list of the hymns, complete with ready-to-listen MP3 files. Right click the links below and listen to the songs in another tab/window.

Call on Your Name
A Divine, Romantic Story

Here are the lyrics of A Divine, Romantic Story:

Stanza #1:
There is a great mystery,
A wonderful story;
For ages 'twas hidden,
Now shown in His wisdom;
'Tis a divine romance
Of God and man in time;
Beyond understanding,
Yet seen in God's speaking.

God fell in love with man;
For only God's love can
Make man just the same as He
In life and in nature.
We are His expression,
His bride, His enlargement;
Forever, together,
As living, insep'rable as one couple

Stanza #2:
Though He was rejected
By men who were blinded;
His love is constraining,
His heart still unchanging;
Thus in incarnation
Came He as salvation;
His name is called Jesus,
And He came to seek us.

* Repeat chorus

Stanza #3:
Though born as a sinner,
His blood has redeemed me.
He suffered on Calv'ry,
Then raised up in glory,
To regenerate me.
Now joined in one spirit
I love to enjoy Him,
For I've been forgiven!

* Repeat chorus

Stanza #4:
His love is so tender,
To Him I'll surrender;
His name is so precious,
I gladly call, "Jesus!"
His Person's so charming,
My heart ever winning;
I'll hold back no longer,
I'll love Him forever.

* Repeat chorus

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