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Everything's new, I'm swamped, yet ecstatic!

October is new month, a new beginning for me.

I've new friends, extended network, increased work responsibilities / projects, and more opportunities to garner clients' trust in terms of managing expectations and timelines.

Thus, I found myself boosting with renewed confidence, competency, and craziness for more work! Never ever let me slack. I'll become fairly retarded, complacent, and unproductive. Then, I'll go around telling everybody, "I'm bored."

The important thing is this: I found my true passion. Coupled with the prospect of engaging wider job scopes and opportunities, I'm truly energized and ecstatic!

Everything's new! Or, renewed!

Then, of course, I'll be swamped with sending, replying, and following-up emails. Aha... Back to the old days whereby I've to work late! But then, I think I need to polish my nurturing skill. I'm too independent and tend to overlook the importance of taking care of the juniors. Hmmm...

Found this really great article helpful: How to Find Time for... Everything!

1. Get Organized
2. Separate Work Space from Everything-Else Space
3. Take Advantage of Time Management Tools
4. Set Goals
5. Set Deadlines
6. Plan Ahead
7. Prioritize
8. Delegate or Outsource
9. Optimize Your Processes
10. Learn to Say "No"
11. Learn When You Work Best
12. Set Regular Working Hours
13. Don't Waste Time
14. Avoid Multitasking
15. Take Frequent Breaks
16. Maintain

Cheers to all!

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