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Human Resource Executive Online - Story: Attracting Generation Y

Testing post from Google Chrome's "Blog This" Extension.

This is a very good article. 

Human Resource Executive Online - Story: Attracting Generation Y 

Generation Y -- computer-savvy, multitasking, constantly in touch and tuned in -- have entered the workforce. While some may believe the current economic climate will save them from the need to "cater" to these young upstarts, that will at best be a temporary condition..... 

To continue reading, click on the link above.


  1. yeah we talked about this in my HR course. its a very interesting dilemma because frankly speaking half the time we don't LOOK like we are doing work.

    Sometimes I am asked 'what I did today' and I seriously can't answer. Cos it seems like I was just 'online' and to tell him I did so and so seems so insignificant.

    I did a proposal, yay, that's all I did but I finished it in an hour. He may have taken the whole day, but it doesnt feel 'right' telling that I only did one thing cos I knw for myself it took very very little time and I was doing 'nothing' the rest of the day...

    So we so used to doing things super fast "when we want to" so unless you give me challenging work to do, you'll see me online 'doing nothing' :P

  2. Yeah, agree with these characteristics.

    * A physically open work environment. They are used to working while surrounded by many distractions and thrive on having many conversations going on at once.

    * Casual dress code. "Business casual" is now the norm in most corporations, at least for those who are not customer-facing.

    * Flexible hours. They value the option to come in late or leave early, and to take time out during the day to go to the gym (a VERY common practice). They see no point in being at work when there is not enough to do.

    * Flat hierarchy, lots of cross-functional activity. Since Generation Y workers are autonomous and self-motivated, they work well in fluid environments with lots of cross-functional collaboration. In companies where the chain of command is rigid, they will continually break the rules and then wonder why they are not rewarded for coming up with new ways of doing things.

    * Open technology platform. Generation Y employees highly value the ability to mix work with life outside of work while sitting at their desks. They want to use gmail, gchat and Facebook when they take a break from the task at hand. They resent workplaces that block certain Web sites and prevent them from doing personal chores at work.

    * Transparent and explicit reward system. Gen Y employees expect, quite simply, to be recognized and rewarded for a job well done. They need to see the value their assignment brings in the bigger picture.

    * Frequent feedback. Rather than shying away from criticism, they welcome constructive feedback that helps them learn how to improve their performance.

    * A work hard, play hard culture. Gen Y employees want their employer to be more like a family. They love events and celebrations, whether it is a casino night or an afternoon of outdoor competitions. They love bosses who take them out drinking after work. They love to be on equal footing with their superiors and they love playing this out on a social basis.
