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It's all about Star Wars :)

May the Force be with you.

It all started with a band of rebels who wanted to help a farmboy follow his dream. Three decades later, the Star Wars empire has grown into one of the most fertile incubators of talent in the worlds of movies (Lucasfilm), visual effects (Industrial Light & Magic), sound (Skywalker Sound), and videogames (LucasArts).

the way, some of the original Lucas crew has gone on to become his biggest competitors. This chart maps the people, companies, and technologies touched by the Force. - Michelle Devereau x

Note: Original chart from How Star Wars Changed the World


The cultural influence of the six "Star Wars" films, plus the novels, comics, television shows, games, toys, spoofs, and documentaries linked with "Star Wars," is such that, in the 2001 United Kingdom census, some 390,000 people stated their religion as Jedi, making it the fourth largest religion surveyed.

Original article from How 'Star Wars' Changed the World


"Star Wars" creator George Lucas thrilled lucky fans Saturday [14th August 2010] during a live, on-stage interview on topics ranging from the origins of Darth Vader's name to home-made droids. The man behind the hugely popular "Star Wars" film franchise appeared on-stage at the Star Wars Celebration V convention in the Orange County Convention Center.

Note: Original article from George Lucas Thrills Die-Hard Fans at 'Star Wars' Celebration


Now, for something light. :)

Note: Original photo & article from Star Wars Matryoshka Dolls Set


Science Fact and Fiction: How a Lightsaber Works

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