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The Melancholic / Phlegmatic

The Melancholic / Phlegmatic 

- slower to take on new projects due to fear of new activities, ventures or situations (melancholic)

- has the tendency of perfectionism, timidity, and anxiety (melancholic)

- has double-dose of introversion along with tendency to negativity, instinctively says "no" to new requests, and may be perceived as "snobbish" (melancholic)

- usually isolated and alone, uncomfortable in social gatherings, often more comfortable with long-known friends, value friendships but can spend many hours alone reading or studying (melancholic)

 - has the tendency to dwell on things for a long time (melancholic) and combined with sensitivity toward interpersonal relationships (phlegmatic), can result in long-lasting hurts, an erosion of self-confidence and self-esteem

- extremely sensitive and possessing a longing for the ideal (melancholic), highly attentive to what others need or desire (phlegmatic) - more than usually susceptible to anxiety and a negative self-image 

- highly driven to success - drawn to high ideals (melancholic) and have a strong desire to please (phlegmatic), capable of long-range planning, organization, and attention to detail that makes them excellent and conscientious scholars 

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