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Project: Reflect 52 #29 - Our entry for SHARP's 100th Anniversary Share contest

 SHARP organized "The Anniversary Share Meets You" roadshow in Malaysia last weekend from 20 July (Friday) until 22 July (Sunday) at Sunway Pyramid.

On their Facebook page (Anniversary Share News | Sharp), I got to know that all Anniversary Share participants will receive a prize! So, I went with the hubby.

Seriously, I just wanted to receive my prize of participation in the contest. I didn't know that they will project my entry on the humongous screen at the roadshow! The hubby and I were invited to take a shot at the screen with my entry.

*blushing like a tomato*

The MC at the SHARP roadshow announced our presence, my entry of participation, and explained a little bit about SHARP's 100th Anniversary Share contest.

In case you aren't aware, here's the link to my entry.

My entry's description:

Christmas 2011 - It isn't about finding the perfect gift, but the perfect moment with your family. Thanks David for our lovely memorable engagement - the Claddagh ring, the yellow watches - on Christmas day. 6 months later, we are married. :)

Here are the prizes. The gorgeous red T-shirt is now the hubby's. :)