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Fill in the Blank Friday - Likes & loves

Belated post for my Fill in the Blank Friday series.

1. I like to stay around and with people who appreciate me and make me extremely contented, at ease, and happy, i.e. my husband, parents-in-law, best buddies. They make me laugh from the bottom of my heart.

2. A life goal of mine is to be a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) but still be able to contribute financially to our household income.

3. The last thing you would ever expect me to like (even though I secretly do) is camwhoring. Do you believe it? LOL!

4. Some wise words that I love are quotes from famous authors. This is my current favorite, "Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness." - Frank Tyger

5. Most mornings you will find me sipping coffee while browsing through Facebook statuses and reading blogs I'm following.

6. Right now I am super into reading pregnancy blogs. Baby lust, you know. I really need some baby dust. ;)

7. Right now I am super over about trying to be and do everything because it doesn't make sense to cause myself stressed out while doing so.