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Baby's Baked Alphabet Pasta with Fish, Potatoes & Peas

Baked Alphabet Pasta with Fish, Potatoes & Peas 

This is my baby's first baked pasta! Not too long ago, he has tried his first boiled pasta dish - pasta with cheesy potato-broccoli sauce.

Here's how I cook his first baked pasta.

5 teaspoons alphabet pasta, boiled for 5 minutes or until semi-soft
A small block of fish (I use ikan tenggiri or mackerel)
90ml formula milk
1/2 cup potatoes, peeled and cubed
A handful of green peas, thawed
Some grated Cheddar cheese

How to:

1. Preheat oven to 200°C for at least 10 minutes.

2. In a small saucepan, heat up milk over low heat and add fish. Flip a few times until fish is cooked through. Flake the fish coarsely. Remove from milk and set aside.

3. Add potatoes and peas into milk and stir over low heat until potatoes are slightly soft. Add water if necessary.

4. Put fish flakes in a gratin bowl. Pour the potatoes-peas-milk mixture over the fish. Top with boiled alphabet pasta and grated cheese.

5. Bake for 20 minutes.

Note: Next round, I will add more cheese to get a lovely golden brown top.

Organic Alphabet Pasta from Justlife outlet at Gardens.

These mini alphabets are so cute!

Nutritional value information.

Before the dish goes into the oven.

I'm linking this post to the event, Bake-Along #66: Theme - Baked Pasta organized by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours, Lena from Frozen Wings, and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.


  1. Hi Joyce,
    You are such a wonderful mommy! This baked pasta dish is perfect for a toddler with all the healthy ingredients, and must be really delicious! I like mackerel! Thanks for baking along with us!

  2. Well.. A, B ... C .. hee hee which alphabet to eat first? Guessed that your toddler must have enjoyed his 1st baked pasta! Yummy!

    1. Hahaha! Next time when he can read ABCs, I will let him pick out the alphabets. Now he's only 11mo and 3 weeks old. :D

  3. hi joyce, nice to see that you are trying out baked pasta for your litte one , Not only it sounds tasty, it is a nutritious too, i'm sure your kid had gladly approved of this delicious dish!

  4. Hi Joyce, After looking at your yummy pasta, I wonder why didn't I bake such healthy delicious pasta for my children when they were toddlers?

    1. Hi Lian, I believe your older children will enjoy baked pasta even more! :D

  5. Hi Joyce,

    This is so cute! You must be excited serving this cute pasta bake to your little one. Soon, your baby will want more of these and baking with 5 tsp of pasta wouldn't be enough...

