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Potato, Peas & Leek Stew with Cheese & Shell Pasta

Potato, Peas & Leek Stew with Cheese & Shell Pasta

This stew is awesome and my little one eats peas and leek like a champ! I love the aroma of potatoes, peas and leek. Grated Cheddar cheese adds an extra burst of flavor and the shell pastas are so esthetically pleasing!

Carbs, protein (from chicken), fiber, vitamins - I guess my little one is having all the nutrients that he needs to grow! :)

Before steam-cooking.

(Serves 2 meals)

1/2 cup chicken breast, cut into small cubes
A handful of frozen green peas, thawed (I used Wattie's frozen baby peas)
2-inch young leek, cut into thin rounds
1 small Russet potato, cut into cubes
Some grated Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup cooked shell pasta

How to:

I put everything (except cheese and pasta) into my electric lunch box, pour water to slightly cover the ingredients, and steam-cook for about 30 minutes. Once cooked, I add a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and mix well.

Finally, I top with grated cheese and pasta and pack all into my toddler's food thermos before sending him to the babysitter.

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