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Guide: Online Registration for Standard One Intake 2019 / 2020

I have completed the online registration for standard one intake 2020 for my older boy last weekend. It wasn't as tedious as I thought it would be. Phew! I even have time to do screenshots while I was going through the process of filling up the registration form.

If you haven't done online registration for your children for Standard 1 intake 2019/2020, here's a step-by-step guide.

Step 1: 
Go to

Click on the "PENGGUNA BARU" button.

Step 2:
Fill up the form and click "Daftar" at the bottom to submit your registration.

After this step is done, you will be directed back to the homepage.

Now you can log in by keying in your IC number and password. Click "DAFTAR MASUK" after this.

Step 3:
Now click on the "Tahun 1 Pendaftaran/Penyemakan Permohonan" section.

Step 4:
For first time users, now click the "Permohonan Baharu --- Tidak pernah berdaftar" tab.

Step 5:
Now, key in your child's MyKid number and click "SEMAK".

Step 6: 
Now fill up the form with your child's particulars.

Step 7a:
Also fill up the health check form. At this step, please get ready your child's immunization record book.

Step 7b:
On the immunization info section, you will need to check the relevant vaccine and key in its corresponding date when vaccination was done.

Step 8a:
Now fill up your husband's details.

Step 8b:
Now fill up your own details followed by total household income.

Note: To key in corresponding IC number (whether the father's or mother's), please click on the "Carian No KP Penjaga Utama" line, type in the IC number, and click "Carian". You will be asked to click "Teruskan" if this is your first time using this registration system.

Step 9:
This is the most exciting part. You can now choose the type of school based on your state and province (daerah). You might need to do some Googling if you can't identify your daerah.

Then, pick the school that you want to enrol your child in and the estimated distance from your house to the school. To get the distance, try using Google Maps.

Step 10:
And you are almost done!

Step 11a:
Check through the entire "Perakuan" form. Make sure all details are keyed in correctly. You have maximum 3 attempts to do any Kemaskini (updates).

Step 11b: 

Step 12a:
Save this registration form as PDF so that you can print it out later.

Step 12b:
Save this health and immunization service consent form (if applicable) as PDF so that you can print it out later.

After this, within 14 days (must be before 30 April 2018), I need to go to the school that I want to enroll my boy in and bring along these documents:

  • Birth Certificate of child (original + copy) 
  • I.C. of parent/guardian (original + copy)
  • Marriage/divorce certificate (original + copy) 
  • Utility bills (electricity, water, assessment bill) under parent's/guardian's name for address verification (original + copy)
  • Self-addressed standard-sized envelope with stamp affixed (RM1 to be safe)


  1. I just done my registration for my youngest child today. No online registration yet over here. I collected forms from school last Thursday and after photocopy the necessary documents, I submitted this afternoon. Now just wait for the reply letter to reach me by next year end. :)

    1. Time flies right? Our baby is now going to primary one soon.

  2. Hi, May I know where to get the "Self-addressed standard-sized envelope with stamp affixed (RM1 to be safe)"?
