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Health & Wellness




Quite some time ago, a church mentor said something along this line: "Don't expect help from people. Don't feel that you're entitled to receive help. You have to help yourself. Any form of help you receive from others along the way, consider them as a bonus."

At that time, I didn't really understand what was he talking about.

Now, having been through different phases in my life, I think, I've begun to understand it better now.

A friend told me recently: "Not forgetting, when you see others in need of help, a simple reach out may mean a lot to the one who's already feeling helpless, even though it's a small gesture from yourself."

As I go through learning curves, this quote solidifies my current experience: "Help others change their lives and, as a result, change yours."

I'm grateful to have met mentors who are here to help and inspire personal growth and make life-changing decisions.

It makes me want to become such mentor too, one day, to help others change their lives.

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