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Tell your story


Sharing your story has the ability to change the ending of someone else's story.

4 Benefits to Sharing Your Story based on Psychology Today.

The importance of sharing your story isn't just the telling or writing it down, but knowing that your story will be heard by others and the hope that by sharing in a public way, someone else might be inspired or helped by your story.

1) Realizing that sharing your story can help others

Stories can be very healing and many people benefit from getting the opportunity to pass on their wisdom to others. This can be especially powerful for people who do not always feel that they have the chance to help others.

2) Finding your voice

It means learning how to express yourself and learning how to think about what has happened in your life in a way that makes sense. It helps to think about your life as a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. It helps to think about how the various events—even the bad ones—have been part of a journey toward the person you want to become.

3) Re-affirming your values

Sometimes you learn things about yourself from the act of writing or storytelling. It can be a way to clarify what is important. Pausing to tell your story can be a good reminder of your priorities. It is so easy to get swept up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle. Taking some time to focus on values can be beneficial.

4) Finding peace, finding hope

People who have found their voice, shared their story, and reaffirmed their values often find a sense of peace and a hopefulness that they did not have before.

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