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What Should I Do About Blue Light Exposure?


Blue Light: Should I Be Worried?

Yes, you should. If you do a quick Google search, chances are you are going to see articles with headlines like "Is Blue Light Bad for Your Eyes?", "How Blue Light Can Affect Your Health", "How Blue Light Affects Sleep" etc. There is even a website called, "Blue Light Exposed".

So, if you ask me - yes, you should learn more about this blue light phenomenon. Well, at least that is why I write about this topic now.

What is Blue Light?

Blue light, also known as high-energy visible (HEV) light, is both natural and man-made, appearing in shades that range from blue/turquoise to blue/violet.

Unlike the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays that we can't see but can certainly feel, HEV is opposite; you can see blue light, but you can't feel its heat.

Where Does Blue Light Come From?

As mentioned earlier, blue light is both natural and man-made. Sources of blue light are the sun, digital screens (smartphones, computers, tablets, laptops, TVs), electronic devices, and fluorescent and LED lighting.

So now you understand, right? Blue light is everywhere. Okay, good. So, what is the big deal?

Actually, some blue light is necessary for good health. Blue light from the sun regulates your natural sleep and wake cycles, also known as circadian rhythm. Blue light also helps boost alertness, heighten reaction times, elevate moods, and increase the feeling of well being.

How Does Too Much Blue Light Exposure Affect Our Health?

According to the Blue Light Exposed website, "...chronic exposure to blue light at night can lower the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, and disrupt your circadian rhythm. Harvard researchers have linked working the night shift and exposure to blue light at night to several types of cancer (breast, prostate) diabetes, heart disease, obesity and an increased risk for depression."

I would like to focus on two main issues: eye health and skin health.

Digital Eye Fatigue

With our increasingly digitally-connected lifestyle, and thanks and no thanks to this Covid-19 pandemic, we are now spending an average of 12 hours a day on consuming digital content!

Constantly looking at digital screens exposes our eyes to excessive amounts of blue light, that might have a negative impact on our eye health.

Blue light enters our eyes and can cause free radical damage in the macula. Other symptoms of digital eye fatigue include eye strain, headache, fatigue, blurry vision and red or dry eyes.

Honestly speaking, there is no easy way to reduce exposure to blue light. Adults need to work, attend virtual meetings, kids need to attend online class - you get the drill, right? There's only so much we can do in terms of limiting screen time.

Anti Blue Light Glasses by SaferOptics

Many thanks to local optical lens brand, SaferOptics who took the initiative to develop its proprietary UV 420 Anti-Glare Anti Blue Light Safety lenses using Award-winning, Certified High Impact Resistance, Shatter-Proof material.

Yes, I can't control the amount of blue light exposure, but I sure can minimize its exposure by getting my kids to put on SaferOptic's Anti Blue Light Glasses. You can read my review post here.

Blue Light's Damaging Effect to Our Skin

Did you know that exposure to blue light can have adverse biological effects on skin in as little as one hour? Blue light penetrates deeper than UVA and UVB rays and can induce damage to deeper layers.

It triggers formation of free radicals, increases oxidative stress, damages DNA, weakens collagen and elastin, accelerates signs of aging, leads to hyperpigmentation, and induces inflammation.

Just as blue light can impact your sleep cycle, it can also disrupt the circadian rhythm of skin cells. Your skin's regenerative cycle can get thrown out of whack, potentially causing more skin damage over time, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science.

How to Limit Blue Light Exposure?

In my experience, if we are serious in dealing with the issue of blue light exposure, we really need to make extra effort. We do what we can control.

Try to avoid blue light as much as possible after dark. Turn down the brightness level on computer monitors and other electronic screens. Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away. Take supplements for eye health such as bilberry, lutein and astaxanthin.

Apart from wearing SaferOptics anti-blue light glasses and practicing the aforementioned steps, let me also share an extra call-to-action step that includes inside and outside solutions.

Inside: Supplements for Eye Health

Excellent supplements for eye health that I take are ageLOC You-Span (or YSpan in short) and Pharmanex G3 Mixed Fruit Drink Blend (Gac, Siberian Pineapple, Cili Fruit, and Wolfberry).

If you're keen to try, let me know or you can purchase from my website.

Outside: Skincare with Blue Light Protection

There is an article by Forbes that reports, "Blue light protection skincare works by physically blocking the light and fighting off free radicals formed by blue light before they can wreak havoc on your skin (photoaging, collagen breakdown, sagging, dark spots, etc.)"

My go-to skincare products for Day Time blue light protection are from the Nutricentials Bioadaptive Skincare range: Day Dream Protective Cream Creamy Day Moisturizer SPF 35 and Day Dream Protective Lotion Lightweight Day Moisturizer SPF 35.

Day Dream Protective Cream contains Blue Light and Infrared Filtering Blend to protect against accelerated signs of aging whereas Day Dream Protective Lotion contains Blue Light and Infrared Antioxidant Blend to prevent the visibly damaging effects of blue light and infrared.

My go-to skincare product for Night Time blue light protection is Nutricentials Pillow Glow Sleeping Mask. This sleeping mask contains Roundhead Bush Clover that helps improve the look of dull, uneven, stressed, and tired skin caused by blue light exposure.

My go-to product for eye care with blue light protection is Nutricentials Eye Love Bright Eyes Illuminating Eye Cream. This eye cream contains Roundhead Bush Clover that helps improve the look of dull, uneven, stressed, and tired skin caused by blue light exposure.

If you're keen to try, let me know or you can purchase from my website.

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