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10 Healthy Rules for A Good Night's Sleep (Sleep Hygiene Tips)

Why is sleep important?

Studies have shown that getting adequate quality sleep is beneficial for your physical health, mental well-being, cognitive functions, and overall productivity.
Getting good sleep is like giving your body a superhero boost. It helps you think sharper, remember things better, and stay focused during the day.
Sleep isn't just downtime; it's when your body fixes itself, keeping your immune system strong and your heart healthy. Plus, when you get enough shut-eye, you're less likely to feel stressed or anxious. It's like a magic trick for your mood. So, don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep – it's your secret weapon for feeling awesome every day!

What happens when there is disrupted sleep regularity?

Research by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute show that disrupted sleep regularity affect sleep health and lead to the onset, development, and exacerbation of many diseases.

Indications of poor sleep health includes:

  • Sleep duration disorder: Too much or too little sleep. Inadequate sleep duration due to recurrent awakenings during sleep can affect daytime life.
  • Sleep architecture disorder: Reduced or even no deep sleep and REM.
  • Fragmented sleep: Frequent awakenings after falling asleep.
  • Difficulty falling asleep: Fail to fall asleep quickly when you feel sleepy.
  • Early awakening: Wake up much earlier than expected.
  • Increased risks of diseases: Cardiovascular, endocrine, psychiatric, gastrointestinal, skin, menstrual cycle disorders.
  • Lack of sleep contributes to muscle loss which leads to harder to lose body fat. Read about "Why Does Lack of Sleep Cause You to Gain Weight?"

What are the stages of sleep?


Light Sleep (NREM 1 and 2)

  • You're in the early stages of sleep.
  • Easily woken up, might feel like you're drifting.
  • Lasts for a short time.

Deep Sleep (NREM 3 and 4)

  • This is the really deep sleep, typically accounts for 10 to 35 percent of the total sleep time.
  • It's hard to wake up during this stage.
  • Relieves us from the day's exhaustion and helps our body recover strength.
  • Your body repairs muscles, tissues, and boosts immune function.
  • Sufficient deep / restorative sleep can help us feel more energetic the next day.
  • Insufficient deep sleep affects our body's repair mechanisms, leading to accelerated aging, reduces our body's immunity, and may lead to endocrine disorders, predispose our body to insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases, and cause or exacerbate high blood glucose.

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep

  • Typically accounts for 10 to 35 percent of the total sleep time.
  • This is where most dreaming happens.
  • Your eyes move quickly in different directions.
  • Brain activity is high, similar to when you're awake, heart rate increases, breathing becomes irregular.
  • This stage is crucial for learning, memory consolidation, and emotional management.
  • Memory consolidation: It will integrate the things we experienced, people we saw, knowledge, and skills we learned during the day with similar memories from the past and formed new memories.
  • Emotion management: The amygdala, a structure in the brain associated with emotion management, is activated during REM sleep and can help deal with destructive emotions.
Sleep cycles through these stages multiple times in a night. Each cycle takes about 90-110 minutes, and a good night's sleep involves several cycles.

Fragmented sleep or recurrent awakenings during sleep may disrupt sleep architecture, causing important restorative sleep (deep sleep and REM sleep) doesn't occur, persist, or function as it should. This can trigger mood swings which then leads to more frequent awakenings, difficulty falling back asleep, and early morning awakenings.

What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to a set of practices and habits that promote healthy and restful sleep. These practices help ensure good habit of regular sleep, proper sleep quality, and overall well-being.
Therefore, adopting good sleep hygiene practices can greatly enhance your sleep quality and daily life.

What are the 10 healthy rules for a good night's sleep?


Rule #1: Establish a consistent sleep schedule

Establishing a consistent sleep schedule includes making a regular bedtime and wake-up schedule. Waking up at a fixed time each day is key to developing regular sleep. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock and improves the quality of your sleep.

Rule #2: Take a short nap if you're tired during the day

Short power naps can be beneficial, but excessive daytime napping can interfere with nighttime sleep. If you need to nap, keep it short (20-30 minutes) and early in the day.

Rule #3: Avoid caffeine too late in the day or before bedtime

Avoid consuming caffeine-containing products and beverages especially when it's too late in the day because they may disrupt your sleep.

Rule #4: Avoid eating or snacking before bedtime

Heavy meals close to bedtime can lead to discomfort and disrupt sleep. Opt for light snacks if you need something before bed. Minimize the consumption of liquids before bedtime to prevent middle-of-the-night awakenings to use the bathroom.

Rule #5: Sleep on a comfortable bed

Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows that support your sleep posture.

Rule #6: Create a comfortable sleep environment

Your bedroom should be conducive to sleep in. Keep the room well-ventilated and maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity.

Rule #7: Block out noises and lights

Your bedroom should be conducive to sleep in. Keep the room dark and as quiet as possible.

Rule #8: Keep electronic gadgets and devices away during bedtime

The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your body's production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Avoid or limit screen time at least an hour before bedtime.

Rule #9: Practice stress management & regular exercise

Chronic stress can disrupt sleep. Engage in stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to help calm your mind before bed. Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. However, do avoid strenuous exercise 3 hours before bedtime.

Rule #10: Establish and stick to your bedtime routine

Develop a calming wind-down bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to relax. This could involve activities like reading, listening to soothing music, or practicing relaxation techniques. Complete bedtime preparation - bathing, relaxing, at a fixed time each night.

Also, go to bed only when you feel sleepy, and get out of bed as soon as possible instead of sleeping in after waking up in the morning.
As a wolf (sleep chronotype), I have issues going to bed early, so it's kinda hard for me to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated every morning. So, I'm taking my time to establish the above 10 rules. Wish me luck!


Dinner at K Plus Food Market PLUS CAFÉ

Here's what we have for dinner at the food court section at K Plus Food Market, Malaysia's first premium Korean Market, located at The Curve.
K Plus Food Market is one of the Korean supermarkets where I can buy nice ingredients like Samgyetang easy-to-cook kit, fresh kimchi, imported food products from South Korea, etc.

Kimchi Guksu (Kimchi Noodle Soup)

My 10-year-old boy's choice is Kimchi Guksu because he wants a kimchi soup noodle dish.

Kimchi guksu is a common Korean noodle soup. "Guksu" typically refers to noodles in Korean cuisine. Typically served hot, it's a flavorful dish that features kimchi as a key ingredient. It's made with wheat noodles in a broth of kimchi, garlic, ginger, and gochugaru (Korean red pepper flakes). There are also additional vegetables like enoki mushrooms and green onions. Finally, there are sliced omelette and seaweed flakes for garnish.

Bulgogi Guksu (Beef Noodle Soup)

This is my 7-year-old boy's choice because he wants a non-spicy noodle soup dish. Surprisingly, when I did a quick Googling, it looked like there's no such dish in Korean cuisine. So, I just have to write about this dish based on my observation.

Bulgogi means thinly sliced marinated and grilled beef. As mentioned above, guksu typically refers to noodles in Korean cuisine. So, I guess bulgogi guksu can be loosely translated as beef noodle soup.
This bowl of beef noodle soup is served with glass noodles, beef slices, carrot slices, mushroom slices, and topped with a huge pile of spring onion. The soup base has a smoky, sweet, and savory taste because bulgogi marinade is typically sweetish.

Kimchi Bokkeum Bap (Kimchi Fried Rice)

My hubby's dish is a plate of good 'ol familiar Kimchi Fried Rice served with a sunny-side-up egg and garnished with seaweed flakes and spring onion. I guess I don't have too much to explain, it's a pretty straightforward dish.

Fried Croquettes / Doughnuts by Songsabu

From K Plus Food Market's website, they said, "Everything is better when fried", including deep-fried croquettes, crispy twists, and chewy doughnuts! I just found out that Songsabu is the best croquette brand in Korea.

Potato Croquette

This deep-fried potato croquette is really tasty. The inner filling tastes like luscious, creamy mashed potato salad, while the outer layer makes a delightful contrast with its crispy, golden texture against the creamy and flavorful interior.

 Red Bean Doughnut

On the other hand, this doughnut filled with red bean paste serves as a delectable dessert, ideally eaten as a sweet conclusion to an otherwise savory dinner experience. I actually ate two of these! I hope my arteries are fine! XD



Your Extraordinary Journey to Health & Wellness Campaign by IHH Healthcare Malaysia


Getting Ready for the Year of the Dragon in 2024

As we approach the Year of the Dragon in 2024, IHH Healthcare Malaysia has initiated a new campaign titled "Your Extraordinary Journey to Health & Wellness". This campaign places a special emphasis on delivering expert care throughout the maternity and child care journey, aiming to make every moment truly extraordinary.


Your Extraordinary Journey to Health & Wellness

The central concept that drives this wonderful campaign is to assist expecting mothers and fathers in choosing to embark on their extraordinary journey to parenthood and beyond with any of the hospitals under the IHH Healthcare Malaysia network. These hospitals are Pantai Hospitals, Gleneagles Hospitals, and Prince Court Medical Center.


Adventure of Nara, the Dragon Mother

My absolute favorite thing about this initiative is the introduction of Nara, the Dragon Mother. In conjunction with the Year of the Dragon, the campaign commences by inviting people to discover the magical tale of Nara the Dragon as she embarks on a journey to find exceptional care for her and her precious one. Her journey unfolds with the discovery of unexpected kindness in a caring kingdom.
Below is the video of Nara the Dragon Mother's adventure with her baby.

 Your Extraordinary Storybook

Another feature of this campaign that I absolutely love is the digital storybook! You can create your personalized digital storybook directly from the website.
Just follow the instructions provided on the website, where you can select from three cover stories. Input your Dragon Baby's name, gender, and your own Dragon Mama name. Click "Create Story Now", and voila, you'lll have your own personalized digital storybook!

I also have the hardcopy mini pamphlet that I gotten during the on-ground roadshow over the weekend at Publika, Kuala Lumpur.

The Dragon with A Heart of Gold

Featuring my eldest son.

We Are Better Together

Featuring my youngest son.

The Dragon Who Never Gave Up



Other Campaign Specials



On-Ground Event


My Experience of Managing Adenomyosis with Mirena: The First Month


What is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis (not to be confused with endometriosis) is medical condition that affects many women, causing pain and discomfort due to the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue (uterine lining) into the muscle (myometrium) in the wall of the uterus.

Some women with adenomyosis have no symptoms. For those who experience symptoms (like myself), we often have painful periods (severe menstrual cramps) and heavy, prolonged menstrual bleeding. Other symptoms may include pelvic pain and abdominal bloating.
The agonizing cramps that I experienced closely resembled that of contraction pain, which were debilitating enough for me to apply sick leave nearly every month.

Who Is at Risk of Adenomyosis?

Did you know that adenomyosis is most commonly diagnosed in women between the ages of 40 and 50 who have had multiple pregnancies and childbirths? I have never heard of adenomyosis until the day I was diagnosed in August 2021.
I also read that there is a link between hormonal factors and adenomyosis. Premenopausal and perimenopausal women may be at a higher risk because adenomyosis is believed to be estrogen-dependent or hormone-sensitive. Adenomyosis tends to regress after menopause when hormonal fluctuations decrease (when estrogen levels decline). You know what? Initially, upon diagnosis, I actually thought of just waiting it out until menopause.
As I mentioned earlier, adenomyosis is not to be confused with endometriosis. However, there is a known association between adenomyosis and endometriosis, another medical condition where endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. Well, someone close in my family has endometriosis, and these conditions tend to run in the family. 
In some cases, adenomyosis occurs without any identifiable risk factors or clear reasons.

How Is Adenomyosis Treated?

Typically, treatment options include pain medications (NSAIDs) and hormonal medications (birth control pills, Mirena IUS). Surgery is only necessary if medications don't work.
Regarding painkillers, I have been popping Panadol, Ponstan, Celebrex, and Arcoxia like candies for many months. It came to a point that I decided something else has to be done.
Hence, I opted for Mirena as the treatment option. You can read about how I ended up choosing Mirena in my previous blog post here.

How Mirena Helps Manage Adenomyosis?

Mirena is a small, T-shaped intrauterine device that is inserted into the uterus by an Obgyn specialist. Mirena releases a low dose of levonorgestrel, a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone, directly into the uterus.

Reducing Menstrual Bleeding & Alleviating Pelvic Pain

Adenomyosis is often associated with painful period cramps and heavy bleeding. This is true in my case.
The continuous, slowly-released levonorgestrel by the Mirena helps to thin the endometrial lining, which often leads to a decreased amount of menstrual flow. It also has a local anti-inflammatory effect, potentially reducing the severity of pelvic pain. For women with adenomyosis, like myself, the reduction in cramps and bleeding definitely provides significant relief.

Minimizing Uterine Growth

By altering the uterine environment (high local concentration of progestogen turns down the responsiveness of estrogen receptors in the adenomyotic tissues), Mirena may help slow the growth of the adenomyotic tissue within the uterine walls. This can contribute to a decrease in the overall symptoms and severity of adenomyosis.
In summary, Mirena helps manage adenomyosis by slowing down the growth of excess endometrial tissue, which in turn leads to decreased bleeding, pain, and disease progression. Women with adenomyosis often experience a significant improvement in their overall quality of life after Mirena insertion due to the alleviation of physical symptoms mentioned above.

How's My First Month with Mirena?

The conclusion of my first period post-Mirena insertion marks a noticeable difference. Upon comparing it with my pre-Mirena periods, I observed a lighter flow, the absence of blood clots, and minimal cramps that were quite manageable without the need for painkillers.

However, it takes 3-6 months for Mirena to settle, and my uterus will need time to adjust to having Mirena in it. Therefore, I'll continue to monitor and track the pattern on a monthly basis. So far, I feel very hopeful that I won't be experiencing debilitating cramps moving forward! Wish me luck!

Disclaimer: This blog post is written for informational purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis. The content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified healthcare professionals with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and to get an accurate diagnosis.


My Mini Collection of Enamel Lapel Pins

On the left: Corporate Sustainability Pin & Warhammer Nurgling Pin
On the right: Breast Cancer Awareness Month Pink October Ribbon Pins

Lapel Pins

A lapel pin is a small, decorative pin worn on the lapel of a jacket, coat, or shirt. It is often used as a subtle accessory to add a touch of personal style or to convey a message.
Lapel pins come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, ranging from simple and elegant to bold and expressive. They can be made from various materials, including metal, enamel, and sometimes adorned with gemstones or intricate details.
Lapel pins are commonly used for personal expression, to denote affiliation with a group or cause, or to commemorate an event.

Warhammer Nurgling Pin

Nurglings are a character in the Warhammer world. These cute little beasties always have their guts hanging out somewhere from their body. The Warhammer Nurgling Pin is a nickel and zinc alloy pin badge colored with enamel. The pins come in seven colors and I choose the beige-colored pin.

Corporate Sustainability Pin

We wear this pin to show our support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - the universal call-to-action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Pink October Ribbon Pins

Limited edition Pink October ribbon pin by Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur in conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 🎀🩷🎀🩷

I have both Pink October pins. They are just too cute to resist!


Building Up My Skincare Habit


"Happiness is a habit. So is your skincare."

I really like the quote above. I think it embodies the significance of embracing the beauty of consistency.
Consistency is the key to both happiness and effective skincare. Just as happiness thrives when we practice gratitude, kindness, and mindfulness each day, our skin flourishes when we care for it regularly. By taking care of our skin with a consistent routine, we're creating a daily ritual that, over time, leads to radiant and healthy skin.

In my previous blog post, "How Do I Practice Skinimalism", I shared about my skinimalist skincare routine, which includes the basics - cleanse, moisturize, protect. The essential products that I always have in my routine are cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

In this blog post, I'll delve a bit deeper, as I've integrated intermediate steps into my skincare regimen, building upon the foundational essentials.

Skincare Pyramid

When I first saw the skincare pyramid, I couldn't help but think it was some MLM thingy. However, as I explore further, I came to understand that the skincare pyramid is a guide to essential, fundamental steps for achieving an optimal and effective skincare routine.

Let's talk about the skincare pyramid from the base to the top.

Skincare Routine: Always

Maintaining good skin health is not just about skincare products; it's also influenced by our overall well-being. Staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, managing stress, and getting adequate sleep are necessary for radiant and healthy skin.
Proper hydration is essential for maintaining our skin's natural moisture balance. When our body is well-hydrated, our skin is less likely to become dry, flaky, or prone to irritation. Well-hydrated skin tends to appear more youthful and plump. Dehydrated skin can accentuate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
It's also common knowledge that a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants provides essential nutrients for skin health.
Stress slows down our skin's natural healing processes, leading to delayed recovery from blemishes or wounds. Chronic stress can lead to the release of stress hormones like cortisol, which can trigger inflammation and exacerbate skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Managing stress helps our skin heal more effectively and reduces inflammation.
Sufficient sleep contributes to a refreshed and bright complexion. Skin cells are more active during deep sleep, which aids in the recovery and renewal of skin tissue. Inadequate sleep can result in dull, tired-looking skin with dark circles and puffiness.

These are long-term strategies that can promote vibrant, healthy skin. Coupled with a suitable skincare routine, these lifestyle choices can help us achieve the skin that we want, if you want it.

Skincare Routine: Daily

If you've read my previous blog post, "How Do I Practice Skinimalism", you will see that I include Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Moisturizer, Sunscreen in my daily routine.
In the skincare pyramid, the experts have included eye cream. It's a personal choice to include or exclude Eye Cream from your daily routine. For me, I do have a few eye creams, and I use them a few days per week or when I see that my eyes are puffy due to insufficient sleep.

Skincare Routine: Weekly

The weekly routine can be challenging, so I'd say pace yourself. Make the basics a habit first before attempting the more advanced steps.
Weekly routine that is related to skincare products includes face mask (1-2 times per week), exfoliation (2-3 times per week), and retinol (2-3 times per week).

Weekly routine that is related to hygiene includes cleaning beauty tools (sponges, brushes), and changing/washing pillowcase.

Skincare Routine: Monthly

Going for facial treatment falls under monthly skincare routine. But this one, I personally am not doing it. Maybe later when I feel like it.

Quick Skincare Tips

And now, let me share with you some quick skincare tips which I personally practice throughout the journey of building up my skincare habit.

1. Understand your skin type before purchasing products.

2. Start with the basics (cleanse, moisturize, SPF).

3. Take time with cleansing (including jawline & neck).

4. Double cleanse every night.

5. Exfoliate max 2-3 times per week.

6. Apply skincare to damp skin (for hydrating products).

7. SPF in moisturizer is not enough.

8. It's never too late to start!

9. Be patient & consistent. Don't be discouraged if you don't see overnight changes on your skin.

Back to the analogy between happiness and skincare. It truly reminds us that the most beautiful things in life often come from the commitment to simple, daily practices.
So, let's embrace the beauty of consistency. Let's make happiness a habit by finding joy in everyday moments. Let's treat your skincare not as a chore but as an act of self-love.
In both cases, the reward is clear - a brighter, more beautiful life, and skin that glows with health and vitality.


How Embracing Full-Time Work Made Me a Better Mother

I was reading some of my older blog posts when I came across this one - Be A Happy Mom in 10 Easy Ways. It was written in March 2017, when I was taking care of my three-month old baby (my second kiddo).
As I read the blog post, I'm pleasantly reminded about how far I have come along as a mama of two boys for the past 10 years. I'm indeed, truly blessed!

As I mentioned earlier on, the blog post is titled 'be a happy mom in 10 easy ways'; so there are 10 pointers altogether. Point 1 to point 9 are all practical, cool, and oh-yes-I-agree!

Then when I reached the 10th point - "Stay out of mom wars" - I laughed.

Because I'm so going to blog about this particular mom war trigger pointer: Full-time-working-mom vs. stay-at-home-mom.
Before I begin, I'd like to start with the following quote.

"Some women are good at full-time mothering, others are better moms when they have a career as well. Many more simply have no choice and do the best they can. All these are valid choices and those on the outside really have no right to judge." - Kimberly Yavorski

Reevaluating My Own Mother's Stay-at-Home Role

The conventional belief, or rather, what was shoved down my throat, is that being a stay-at-home mom is the ideal, gold standard of motherhood. After all, a mother is always there, right?
But truth to be told, my experience was otherwise. Growing up, my mother was a stay-at-home mom, and while her presence was constant, my memories of that time weren't particularly positive. I didn't have a strong emotional bonding and connection with her. I wouldn't want to elaborate further but those of you who have similar experience as mine, you'd understand.
As I embark on my own motherhood journey, I have to reevaluate and challenge the traditional notion of mothers should stay at home because I have been growing up with a strong realization that simply being physically present 24/7 doesn't guarantee a deep emotional connection with your kids.

Embracing a Full-Time Career

Now, as a mother myself, I chose to be a full-time working mom. But my decision to become a full-time working mom was not an easy one.
For those who can relate to this experience, you should understand the mixed sentiments it can evoke. Some questioned why I would choose to spend less time with my kids, while others agreed that it's good to work and contribute to my household expenses.
It wasn't an easy choice, but it was the right one for me.
Having a full-time career gives me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. I believe it allows me to be a better-rounded person, which in turn makes me a more engaged and content mom when I'm with my kids.

Navigating Mom Guilt & Prioritizing Self-Care

However, as much as I enjoy working, one of the most significant challenges that I faced is mom guilt. Those pangs of guilt would creep in when I couldn't cook lunch/dinner for my family, or when I've to stay late at the office because I want to avoid traffic jam (driving between 6pm to 7:30pm is madness in Klang Valley).
But I've quickly learned that the key is not to eliminate mom guilt entirely (because it's impossible), but to acknowledge it and manage it.
I've come to understand the incredible importance of self-care for parents. Taking care of myself isn't selfish; it's a necessity. When I take care of myself - both mentally and emotionally - and with my husband's understanding, I find that the weight of mom guilt lessened, allowing me to be more present when I'm with my kids. 
When I prioritize self-care, I'm better equipped to nurture and care for my kids. It's a lesson that has brought about positive changes in my life as both a mom, a wife, and an individual.

 Quality Over Quantity

I've accepted that it's not about the quantity of time spent with my kids but the quality of the moments we share. Instead of being physically present but mentally absent, I make a conscious effort to make the most of our time together.
What my kids love the most is their bedtime story time; they call it 'our nightly talk'. We'll talk about anything under the sun - from types of cheeses to diseases to how babies are formed (this is tricky, I always have to find ways to eliminate certain details hahaha!)

Challenging Stereotypes

Last but not least, in my case, my experience has challenged societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding stay-at-home moms and working moms. I realize that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting.
What works for one family may not work for another, and that's perfectly fine. Each of us must find our own path that aligns with our values and allows us to be the best parents we can be.



I've shared my personal journey from being a stay-at-home mom to becoming a full-time working mom. It's a transition that has made me a better parent, and I believe my story can provide encouragement and support to other mothers facing similar choices.
While the conventional narrative often portrays stay-at-home moms as the epitome of nurturing, my experience demonstrates that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Each of us must find our own path that aligns with our values and allows us to be the best parents we can be.
Embracing full-time work has been my path, and it's a path that has led to personal growth, a stronger connection with my kids, and a newfound sense of purpose in my life.



My Childhood Dream Job vs My Current Career

I saw this discussion online: What was your childhood dream job and what is your current career? So, I'd like to join in the discussion of reflecting on my childhood dreams and comparing them to my current career.
Childhood is a time when dreams are limitless and aspirations boundless. In those early years, we often envision ourselves in extraordinary professions, fueled by an innocent belief that anything is possible.
According to a survey done in the UK, the main jobs or industries that one dreamed of working in as a child include teacher, vet, doctor, sportsperson, police officer, business owner, musician, lawyer, actor, and pilot.
The survey also found that one in four (25%) are currently working in their childhood dream job, but the remaining three-quarters (75%) said they’re not. Of those who said they’re not working in their childhood dream job, 22% said they’re nevertheless working in their dream industry.

My Childhood Dream: Doctor

During my primary school years, my childhood dream job was clear: I wanted to be a doctor. The motivation behind this choice was to make lots of money and save my family from poverty. Looking back, this ambition stemmed from the common Asian narrative: study hard, become a doctor, make lots of money, make your parents proud.
Most importantly, I had good grades. Consistently ranked as a top student for six consecutive years, I was resolute that becoming a doctor was my predestined path.

My aspiration to pursue medicine persisted during my lower secondary school years (Form 1-3). However, my interests took a turn. As I approached the end of my lower secondary studies, I became fascinated with language studies and editorial work. This interest complicated my decision-making as I grappled with choosing between the Science or Arts streams for upper secondary education (Form 4-6). Ultimately, I was compelled to go with the Science stream, focusing on Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Additional Mathematics, because I was made to understand that it was easier for Science stream graduates to find high-paying jobs.
Throughout those years, guidance on career pathways and childhood dreams was absent. Consequently, my school years passed by without me having a concrete ambition. I found myself contemplating that if the pursuit of becoming a doctor was unattainable, I would simply navigate through whatever university course awaited me.
Upon completing Form 6, with less-than-ideal results, I realized that entering the Medical Faculty at any local university was beyond my reach. As a result, I ended up studying Science and graduated with BScEd (Honors) - Science with Education (majoring in Biology, minoring in Chemistry) from the University of Malaya.

 My Career Path Today: Writing / Editorial

Over the years of employment, I've ventured into various industries, consistently finding myself in writing / editorial tasks. This included content planning, copywriting, writing, editing, proofreading, and similar roles.

Today, I'm not diagnosing diseases or performing life-saving surgeries. While I may not have fulfilled my childhood dream of becoming a doctor, I've come to realize that the essence of my dream was not limited to the medical field.
Instead, I've discovered my passion in a different angle—content strategy within the healthcare industry. I work at a hospital chain, I collaborate with a talented team to develop engaging and informative healthcare content, ensuring that patients and their families receive the information they need to make informed decisions about their health.
My current profession combines my passion for writing and desire to share health and wellness content with the public, despite not being a healthcare professional.
Although I didn't achieve my childhood dream job (doctor), I'm proud to be able to work in my dream industry (hospital & healthcare).

Moreover, how many of us can say they've had the opportunity to update their Ob/Gyn doctor about working at the same hospital a few years after delivering their baby? ;)